Feel free to ask for terms on the talk page, or to add more terms and improve the definitions.
- abstrakt (Englesch: abstract)
- Net an enger spezifescher natierlecher Sprooch, mee vun hir abstrahéiert; mat dem Zil eng Notatioun fir d'Bedeitung hannert Texter, Sätz oder Phrasen an natierlecher Sprooch ze bidden. De Géigendeel vu konkreet.
- AbstractText (Englesch: AbstractText)
- Prototyp-Implementéierung vun der Wikifunctions-Iddi.
- abstrakten Inhalt (Englesch: abstract content)
- Kuckt Inhalt.
- Abstrakt Wikipedia (Englesch: Abstract Wikipedia)
- preliminary name of all the Content that can be used by local Wikipedias to render an article in natural language; currently proposed to live in Wikidata next to the corresponding Item, but that will be discussed before Part P2 of the development project.
- Alias (Englesch: alias)
- Eng alternativ Bezeechnung fir een Objet, déi haaptsächlech benotzt gëtt fir den Objet ze fannen.
- Argument (Englesch: argument)
- Een Input vun engem Funktiounsopruff.
- argument reference (Englesch: argument reference)
- a reference to one of the supplied arguments within a composition.
- array (Englesch: array)
- Many programming languages have an "array" type. The counterparts in Wikifunctions are list and typed list. See also Benjamin array.
- Artikel (Englesch: article)
- Eng Säit am Haaptnummraum vun der Wikipedia, déi normalerweis engem Antrag an der Wikipedia entsprécht.
- Benjamin array (Englesch: Benjamin array)
- a way to denote typed list proposed by Benjamin Degenhart, where a typed list is stored as a JSON list whose first element denotes the type. This is in contrast with the previous proposed schema, which uses LISP-style singly-linked lists, in which the type must be stored once in each node.
- Wourechtswäert (Englesch: boolean)
- Ee Wäert, deen zwee Zoustänn kann hunn, déi meeschtens mat „wouer“ a „falsch“ bezeechent ginn.
- built-in (Englesch: built-in)
- a native implementation of a function that is provided by the evaluator and that is not editable through the wiki interface.
- Opruff (Englesch: call)
- Kuckt Funktiounsopruff. Op Englesch kënnen och d'Ausdréck invoke oder invocation benotzt ginn.
- kanonesch, kanoniséiert (Englesch: canonical, canonicalized, canonicalised)
- a specific, less verbose and thus more readable way to represent ZObjects in JSON; it is the usual representation ZObjects are stored in Wikifunctions. This is opposed to normal.
- car (Englesch: car)
- Eng alternativ Bezeechnung fir Kapp; kuckt CAR and CDR op Wikipedia. Kuckt och cdr.
- cdr (Englesch: cdr)
- Eng alternativ Bezeechnung fir Schwanz; kuckt CAR and CDR op Wikipedia. Kuckt och car.
- Zeechen (Englesch: character)
- a character as defined by Unicode, a constituent of a String; a character can consist of several bytes (or octets).
- Kompositioun (Englesch: composition)
- Eng Implementéierungaart vun enger Funktiounen, bei där d'Implementéierung duerch d'Kombinatioun vun anere Funktioune zustane kënnt; kuckt Funktiounsmodell.
- Kompositiounsnotatioun (Englesch: composition notation)
- Eng Notatioun fir Kompositiounen, déi liicht ze liesen ass; kuckt Funktiounsmodell.
- konkreet (Englesch: concrete)
- An enger spezifescher natierlecher Sprooch. De Géigendeel vun abstrakt.
- cons (Englesch: cons)
- a function to create a new list by adding an element at the top of it; see phab:T261474. See cons in Wikipedia.
- constructor (Englesch: constructor)
- an abstract building block of content. A constructor aims to capture the meaning of a single phrase or sentence structure. It often has slots that can take other constructors, and can itself be used as a value to fill the slots of other constructors.
- Inhalt, abstrakten Inhalt (Englesch: content, abstract content)
- abstract representation of a text or text fragment, assembled from constructors. Technically, an instance of a constructor. The top level constructor is used to represent a whole article and stored in Abstract Wikipedia, but content can be also for just a sentence or phrase. Sometimes called abstract content.
- curried, curry, currying (Englesch: curried, curry, currying)
- A curried function is a function that was translated from taking multiple arguments into a sequence of functions, each with a single argument. This technique is named after the American mathematician Haskell Curry. See Currying in Wikipedia.
- Deserialiséierung (Englesch: deserialization)
- De Géigendeel vu Serialiséierung.
- Entwécklungsprojet (Englesch: development project)
- E Projet fir Wikifunctions an d'Abstrakt Wikipedia z'entwéckelen; kuckt Plang fir déi Abstrakt Wikipedia.
- display function (Englesch: display function)
- a synonym of renderer. For example, a function that converts a type into a string that users can understand, such as converting a Number 123456 to "123,456" in (International) English, "1,23,456" in Indian English, "123.456" in French, etc., or converting the Date '2024','03','12' to '2024-03-12', and so on.
- Dokumentatioun (Englesch: documentation)
- Fir Mënsche liesbaren Text, deen en Objet erkläert.
- eneyj (Englesch: eneyj)
- prototype model of Wikifunctions;
- a JavaScript implementation of an evaluator of that model provided in abstracttext.
- Feeler (Englesch: error)
- a type whose instances indicate problems in evaluation or validation; see Function model.
- evaluation (Englesch: evaluation)
- The action performed by the evaluator.
- evaluator (Englesch: evaluator)
- a piece of software that takes a ZObject and evaluates it, that is executes a Function and returns the result. We envision the development of several evaluators. Evaluators may be implemented and run in the browser, on the server of the Wikimedia Foundation, in the cloud, in an app on a mobile device, or other places. Compare to executor and orchestrator.
- execution (Englesch: execution)
- The action performed by the executor.
- executor (Englesch: executor)
- one of a set of internal services which are not exposed to the public. They can be only called by the orchestrator. They run native code in a specific programming language. There would be one executor for Lua, one for JavaScript, one for Python, etc. See the service documentation. Compare to evaluator and orchestrator.
- Funktioun (Englesch: function)
- D'Spezifikatioun vun enger Berechnung, déi een Input entgéint hëlt an ee Resultat liwwert; kuckt Function (computer science) op Wikipedia.
- Funktiounsopruff (Englesch: function call)
- Ee Funktiounsopruff ass een ZObjet, deen aus enger Funktioun an hiren Argumenter besteet, a kann zu engem aneren ZObjet ausgewäert ginn. Op Englesch benotzt een och den Ausdrock „invoke“.
- function evaluator (Englesch: function evaluator)
- See evaluator.
- function executor (Englesch: function executor)
- See executor.
- Funktiounsmodell (Englesch: function model)
- Kuckt Funktiounsmodell
- function orchestrator (Englesch: function orchestrator)
- See orchestrator.
- function schemata (Englesch: function schemata)
- a set of pre-defined ZObjects used in orchestrator and evaluator. The WikiLambda system account also populates pre-defined ZObjects on-wiki from function schemata.
- funktional (Englesch: functional)
- Kuerz fir „reng funktional“, woumat gemengt ass, datt d'Auswäertung vu sou enger Funktioun keng Nieweneffekter huet an deterministesch ass, datt se also ëmmer dselwecht verleeft; kuckt Purely functional programming op Wikipedia; kuckt Funktiounsmodell.
- Geneereschen Typ (Englesch: generic type)
- Een Typ, deen duerch d'Auswäertung vun engem Funktiounsopruff generéiert gëtt.
- Kapp (Englesch: head)
- Dat éischt Element vun enger Lëscht. Och bekannt als car. De Rescht vun der Lëscht gëtt Schwanz oder cdr genannt. Kuckt phab:T261474.
- Identitéit (Englesch: identity)
- The identity of a type is an instance of (specific) function that evaluates to the type. For a simple type, it is a reference to the type itself.
- Implementéierung (Englesch: implementation)
- a particular way to execute a function. An implementation may be a piece of code in a certain programming language, refer to functionality “built into” the evaluator, or compose calls to other functions. A function may have many implementations, which should all be equivalent. Short for "ZFunction implementation".
- Instanz (Englesch: instance)
- Jiddwer ZObjet ass eng Instanz vu sengem Typ.
- invoke (Englesch: invoke)
- Synonym fir Opruff op Englesch. Kuckt Funktiounsopruff.
- item (Englesch: item)
- an entry in Wikidata's knowledge base; see Item in the Wikidata glossary.
- JSON (Englesch: JSON)
- a widely used data transfer format; see JSON in Wikipedia.
- Schlëssel (Englesch: key)
- a string which ends with the letter K followed by a natural number, and is optionally preceded by a ZID. Keys are defined in Wikifunctions usually on Types or Functions, and are used to build up ZObjects.
- Bezeechnung (Englesch: label)
- Haaptnumm fir een ZObjet z'identifizéieren. Däerf nëmme Kloertext sinn.
- Lexeem (Englesch: lexeme)
- an entry in Wikidata storing lexicographic knowledge about, roughly, a word; see Lexeme in the Wikidata glossary.
- Lineariséierer (Englesch: linearizer)
- (dëse Begrëff gëtt an der aktueller Terminologie net méi gebraucht, mee et kann een en nach ëmmer an eeleren Dokumenter fannen) Synonym vu Renderer (1).
- Lëscht (Englesch: list)
- a data type that groups an arbitrary number of instances in an ordered entity; see List (abstract data type) in Wikipedia.
- Literal (Englesch: literal)
- Ee Wäert, dee keen ZObjet ass. Fir de Moment sinn déi eenzeg zoulässeg Literaler Zeecheketten.
- lokal Wikipedia (Englesch: local Wikipedia)
- Eng Wikipedia op enger spezifescher Sprooch. Beispiller: Hebräesch Wikipedia, Japanesch Wikipedia oder Italieenesch Wikipedia.
- Méisproocheg Wikipedia (Englesch: multilingual Wikipedia)
- the architecture that allows local Wikipedias to enrich themselves by rendering the Content from Abstract Wikipedia and thus have a more comprehensive, current, and correct Wikipedia in their language; see Abstract Wikipedia architecture.
- natierlech Sprooch (Englesch: natural language)
- Eng spezifesch natierlech Sprooch am erweiderte Sënn. Beispiller: Englesch, Tagalog oder Swahili; kuckt Natürliche Sprache op Wikipedia.
- normal (Englesch: normal)
- an extended, easily processable and very uniform way to represent ZObjects in JSON. This is opposed to canonical.
- Näischt (Englesch: nothing)
- Een Datentyp, dee keng Instanze kann hunn; kuckt Bottom type op Wikipedia.
- Objet (Englesch: object)
- An JavaScript oder JSON ass een Objet am Wesentlechen en assoziativen Array; kuckt Associative array op Wikipedia.
- A Wikifunctions ass et ee Synonym fir ZObjet.
- Orchestréierung (Englesch: orchestration)
- D'Aktioun vum Orchestréierer.
- Orchestréierer (Englesch: orchestrator)
- a service that takes a ZObject and returns an evaluated version of it. To do this, it will make calls to the wiki for other ZObjects it needs, to the executor to evaluate some function calls, and other services such as Wikidata. See the service documentation. Compare to evaluator and executor.
- Säit (Englesch: page)
- En Deel vun enger Wiki. Eng Wiki besteet aus enger Rei vun eenzele Säiten, déi onofhängeg vunenee beaarbecht kënne ginn, intern Linken openeen hu kënnen asw.
- Parser (Englesch: parser)
- Eng Funktioun, déi eng Zeecheketten an een ZObjet konvertéiert. De Géigendeel vun engem Renderer.
- Puer (Englesch: pair)
- Een zesummegesaten ZObjet, deen zwee ZObjete vun engem spezifeschen (awer belibegen) Typ enthält.
- Deel P1 (Englesch: Part P1)
- Deen Deel vum Entwécklungsprojet, dee sech mat der Kreatioun vu Wikifunctions beschäftegt. E fänkt am Ufank vum Projet un an zitt sech duerch d'Gesamtdauer vum Projet; kuckt Deel P1: Wikifunctions.
- Deel P2 (Englesch: Part P2)
- Deen Deel vum Entwécklungsprojet, dee sech mat der Kratioun vun der Abstrakter Wikipedia beschäftegt. E fänkt ongeféier no engem Projetsjoer un an zitt sech duerch déi zweet Hallschent vum Projet; kuckt Deel P2: Abstrakt Wikipedia.
- persistent (Englesch: persistent)
- Een ZObjet mat enger ZID a senger eegener Säit an der Wiki. Déi meescht persistent ZObjete wäerte Wäerter enthalen, déi ZObjeten ouni ZID sinn and dofir net persistent sinn.
- Eegenschaft (Englesch: property)
- used to make a statement about an Item in Wikidata's knowledge base; see Property in the Wikidata glossary.
- Zitat (Englesch: quote)
- Eng Datestruktur, déi net ausgewäert gëtt, mee wuertwiertlech erhale bleift.
- QID (Englesch: QID)
- identifier for an item in Wikidata, comprising the letter "Q" followed by an integer.
- reading function (Englesch: reading function)
- a synonym of parser. A function that converts user text input from a string into a given Type. For example, converting the String "123456" to the Number '123456', or the string "2024-03-12" to the Date '2024', '03', '12'.
- Referenz (Englesch: reference)
- an ID denoting the underlying object. For example, the string "Z11" refers to the Type Z11/Monolingual text.
- Note: This term has a completely different meaning than on Wikidata; see Reference (computer science) in Wikipedia.
- Renderer (Englesch: renderer) (1)
- a function to convert a ZObject to a string. The opposite of parser. (formerly called "linearizer")
- renderer (Englesch: renderer) (2)
- a function that gets a content and an identifier for a natural language as an input and returns text in that natural language as output, representing the content as concrete text, using knowledge from lexemes.
- Note: This is a future feature, and the meaning of the term "renderer" in the original proposal; this term collides with the current usage of "renderer", so it may be renamed in the future.
- reifizéieren (Englesch: reify)
- Eng Funktioun, déi en Objet a seng Bestanddeeler dekonstruéiert, fir datt individuell op d'Deeler zougegraff ka ginn; kuckt Reifikation op Wikipedia; kuckt phab:T261474.
- REPL (Englesch: REPL)
- a Read / Eval / Print - Loop, a command line interface that takes some input, evaluates it, and displays the result; see REPL in Wikipedia; see Function model.
- schemata (Englesch: schemata)
- See function schemata.
- Serialiséierung (Englesch: serialization)
- Ways to represent ZObjects in JSON; see also canonical, normal.
- Ausso (Englesch: statement)
- used to provide knowledge about an Item in Wikidata's knowledge base; see Statement in the Wikidata glossary.
- Zeecheketten (Englesch: string)
- Eng Sequenz vun Zeechen.
- sum type (Englesch: sum type)
- a type that can have instances of any of its constituent types; see Sum type in Wikipedia; see Function model.
- Schwanz (Englesch: tail)
- Eng Lëscht ouni hiert éischt Element. Och bekannt als cdr. Dat éischt Element gëtt Kapp oder car genannt. Kuckt phab:T261474.
- Schabloun (Englesch: template)
- a way to specify a renderer as text interspersed with place-holders, or slots, which can be filled with data from constructors, function calculation, or content from another template. See the document Template Language for Wikifunctions for a detailed discussion of the template syntax.
- Tester (Englesch: tester)
- a way to automatically determine if a given ZFunction is doing the right thing. A function will typically have multiple testers, each specifying some input to the function and conditions the output for the given input must fulfil. For example, testers for a “title case” function might include: “abc” should become “Abc”; “war and peace” should become “War and Peace”; “война и мир” should become “Война и мир”; and “123” should remain “123”.
- transient (Englesch: transient)
- De Géigendeel vu persistent.
- Typ (Englesch: type)
- The type of an object tells us how to interpret and understand the given object, and what can be done with the object. For example, if we have an object with the value “2023”, depending on whether its type is integer, or year, or string, we understand that object differently. Every object refers to “a thing in the real world”. The integer 2023 is different from the year 2023. The type tells us how to interpret a given object, so that we know which thing in the real world it refers to. Technically, it defines how objects of that type are structured and what conditions they need to fulfill to be a valid object of that type. A type defines the conditions for a ZObject to be a valid instance of this type, by providing a function that validates a ZObject. Types are ZObjects themselves, so that contributors of Wikifunctions can create new types.
- type converter (Englesch: type converter)
- A script written in some programming language (such as JavaScript), taking a native object (such as BigInt), and returning a JSON object representing the corresponding ZObject; or vice versa.
- typiséiert Lëscht (Englesch: typed list)
- A typed list is a list in which all members of the list are of a specific, predefined type. For example, a typed list of strings is a list in which all members of the list are strings. A typed list takes one argument: the type that all the members of the list have to be an instance of. Typed lists are probably the most widely used generic type.
- Wäert (Englesch: value)
- the string or ZObject associated with a key in another ZObject.
- validation (Englesch: validation)
- The action performed by the validator.
- validator (Englesch: validator)
- Eng Funktioun, déi als Argument een ZObjet hëlt an als Resultat d'Lëscht vun de Feeler liwwert, déi fonnt goufen.
- Wiki (Englesch: wiki)
- Eng Websäit, där hir Säite einfach a kollaborativ beaarbecht kënne ginn.
- Wikidata (Englesch: Wikidata)
- a project of the Wikimedia Foundation, a free, collaboratively edited knowledge base; see Wikidata.
- Wikifunctions (Englesch: Wikifunctions)
- new project of the Wikimedia Foundation; a free, collaboratively developed and maintained catalog of functions. It was initially known as Wikilambda in the original proposal (that name is now used for the WikiLambda extension).
- WikiLambda (Englesch: WikiLambda)
- D'Software, mat där de Projet bedriwwe gëtt, Extension:WikiLambda,
- WikiLambda system (Englesch: WikiLambda system)
- an automated system account that is a key part of the WikiLambda extension. See User:WikiLambda system for its current function.
- Wikimedia Foundation (Englesch: Wikimedia Foundation)
- Organisatioun, déi d'Wikimedia-Beweegung ënnerstëtzt; kuckt Wikimedia Foundation.
- Wikipedia (Englesch: Wikipedia)
- E Projet vun der Wikimedia Foundation, eng fräi a kollaborativ beaarbecht Enzyklopedie; kuckt Wikipedia.
- Wikipedia, Abstrakt (Englesch: Wikipedia, Abstract)
- Kuckt Abstrakt Wikipedia.
- Wikipedia, méisproocheg (Englesch: Wikipedia, multilingual)
- Kuckt méisproocheg Wikipedia
- ZID (Englesch: ZID)
- an ID starting with the letter Z and followed by a natural number. Used to identify persistent ZObjects.
- ZFunktioun (Englesch: ZFunction)
- a wiki page on Wikifunctions that describes a particular function that can be used through the evaluator. Each ZFunction can be realised in code by one or more Implementations, and said implementations can be verified as correct by one or more Tester ZFunctions.
- ZSchlëssel (Englesch: ZKey)
- Een ZObjet, deen ee Schlëssel fir ee spezifeschen Typp definéiert.
- ZLëscht (Englesch: ZList)
- a ZObject for an ordered sequence of other ZObjects.
- ZObjet (Englesch: ZObject)
- every entry in Wikifunctions is a ZObject. ZObjects stored in Wikifunctions have ZIDs and can be of numerous types, such as Constructors, Functions, Types, etc. A ZObject consists of a set of Key/Value pairs, with each Key appearing only once per ZObject and Values being ZObjects.
- ZEenheet (Englesch: ZUnit)
- a ZObject that represents a Unit type.