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Wikifunctions:Pamaké dikonfirmasi

From Wikifunctions
This page is a translated version of the page Wikifunctions:Confirmed users and the translation is 42% complete.
Pamaké Terkonfirmasi Wikifunctions

Pangguna anu dikonfirmasi nyaéta pamaké anu ngabogaan grup pamaké confirmed


Pamaké anu dikonfirmasi nyaéta pangguna anu parantos dibéré aksés ka idin anu sami sareng pamaké anu dikonfirmasi otomatis sateuacan akunna ngahontal ambang pikeun otomatis ditambahkeun kana grup pangguna anu dikonfirmasi otomatis. Pamaké sareng grup ieu tiasa mindahkeun halaman sareng ngédit halaman anu ditangtayungan sawaréh tanpa ngirimkeun pamundut éditan.

Pamaké terkonfirmasi otomatis

Pamaké Terkonfirmasi Wikifunctions

Pamaké anu dikonfirmasi sacara otomatis nyaéta pamaké anu mibanda grup pamaké autoconfirmed, idin anu dibéré ka pamaké anu dikonfirmasi otomatis sarua jeung nu dibéré ka pangguna anu dikonfirmasi. Sadaya pamaké meunangkeun grup pamaké anu dikonfirmasi sacara otomatis sakali akunna dina Wikifunctions ngahontal umur 4 poé atawa leuwih.

How to request

Users may apply for the confirmed user group at Wikifunctions:Requests for user groups#Confirmed.


To be granted this user group you must present clearly why they should be exempted from the confirmation period when requesting or be a legitimate alternate account of an already autoconfirmed account. Your account must not be autoconfirmed to be granted the confirmed user group.


Administrators are able to grant the confirmed user group at their own discretion, however this group should only be granted temporarily until the account will be autoconfirmed.[1]

Technical ability

The confirmed and autoconfirmed user groups gives users the technical ability to:

  • Access a basic view of the IP information attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo-view-basic)
  • Édit kaca nu ditantayungan minangka "Allow only autoconfirmed users" (editsemiprotected)
  • Mindahkeun kaca (move)
  • Teu dipangaruhan rate limit nu basis IP (autoconfirmed)
  • Ngalakonan pamicu captcha tanpa ngaliwatan Captcha (skipcaptcha)
  • Reset transkoder rusak ataupun yang tidak sehingga kembali dimasukkan dalam antrian. (transcode-reset)
  • Retrieve information about IP addresses attached to revisions or log entries (ipinfo)
  • Menyimpan koleksi buku sebagai halaman komunitas (collectionsaveascommunitypage)
  • Menyimpan koleksi buku sebagai halaman pengguna (collectionsaveasuserpage)
  • Lihat informasi tentang aktifitas transkoder terkini (transcode-status)
  • Menampilkan entri catatan penyalahgunaan secara rinci (abusefilter-log-detail)

See also


  1. phab:T344261