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From Wikifunctions
This page is a translated version of the page Wikifunctions:Confirmed users and the translation is 74% complete.

承認された利用者は、confirmed 利用者グループに所属する利用者を指します。


Confirmed users are users who have been given access to the same permissions as autoconfirmed users before their account has reached the threshold to be automatically added to the autoconfirmed user group. Notably, users with this group can move pages and edit semi-protected pages themselves without making an edit request.



Autoconfirmed users are users who hold the autoconfirmed user group, the permissions granted to autoconfirmed users are identical to those granted to confirmed users. All users are given the autoconfirmed user group once their account on Wikifunctions reaches an age of 4 days or more.


ユーザーはWikifunctions:Requests for user groups#Confirmedで承認された利用者への所属を申請することができます。


To be granted this user group you must present clearly why they should be exempted from the confirmation period when requesting or be a legitimate alternate account of an already autoconfirmed account. Your account must not be autoconfirmed to be granted the confirmed user group.


Administrators are able to grant the confirmed user group at their own discretion, however this group should only be granted temporarily until the account will be autoconfirmed.[1]


The confirmed and autoconfirmed user groups gives users the technical ability to:

  • 版や記録項目に添えられた基本的なIP情報を閲覧 (ipinfo-view-basic)
  • 「Allow only autoconfirmed users」の保護が設定されたページを編集 (editsemiprotected)
  • ページを移動 (move)
  • IPベースの速度制限を受けない (autoconfirmed)
  • CAPTCHAが必要な場面でCAPTCHAをスキップして操作を実行 (skipcaptcha)
  • 失敗あるいはトランスコードされた動画をリセットして、再びジョブキューに追加することができる (transcode-reset)
  • 版や記録項目に添えられたIPアドレスの情報を取得 (ipinfo)
  • ブックを共有ページとして保存 (collectionsaveascommunitypage)
  • ブックを利用者ページとして保存 (collectionsaveasuserpage)
  • 現在のトランスコードアクティビティに関する情報を閲覧 (transcode-status)
  • 不正利用記録の詳細項目を閲覧 (abusefilter-log-detail)



  1. phab:T344261