This is a guided list of example functions provided. See also the complete list of functions and Wikifunctions:Suggest a function.
Logic operators
These are the fundamental tools to control flow in your functions.
- If (Z802): depending on whether the condition is true will return one or the other value
- if (string output) (Z11542): if function (like Z802) typed with string types
- if (natural number output) (Z13846): if function (like Z802) typed with number types
- if (integer output) (Z17192): if function (like Z802) typed with integer types
- iffy (Z15728): functions as “if”, so long as the condition is Boolean, otherwise it depends on the non-Boolean option
Boolean operations
These are the basic blocks from which to build logic states.
- not (Z10216): takes a truth value and returns its opposite
- and (Z10174): Performs a Boolean and operation
- or (Z10184): Performs a Boolean OR operation
- Boolean equality (Z844): returns true only if both inputs are equal
- Boolean inequality (Z10237): returns true only if both inputs are different
Boolean pairwise functions
Name | ZID | Value |
nullary false | nullary false (Z10206) | F |
nullary true | nullary true (Z10210) | T |
Name | ZID | F | T |
unary false | unary false (Z10214) | F | F |
identity | Boolean identity (Z10215) | F | T |
not | not (Z10216) | T | F |
unary true | unary true (Z10217) | T | T |
Name | ZID | F ∗ F | F ∗ T | T ∗ F | T ∗ T |
binary false | binary false (Z10257) | F | F | F | F |
and | and (Z10174) | F | F | F | T |
not (A → B) | not boolean implication (Z10962) | F | F | T | F |
A | Boolean Left (Z10265) | F | F | T | T |
not (B → A) | not backwards Boolean implication (Z10964) | F | T | F | F |
B | Boolean Right (Z10298) | F | T | F | T |
xor | Boolean inequality (Z10237) | F | T | T | F |
or | or (Z10184) | F | T | T | T |
nor | nor (Z10231) | T | F | F | F |
xnor/eqv | Boolean equality (Z844) | T | F | F | T |
not B | Boolean Not Right (Z10306) | T | F | T | F |
B → A | backwards Boolean implication (Z10348) | T | F | T | T |
not A | Boolean Not Left (Z10272) | T | T | F | F |
A → B | Boolean implication (Z10329) | T | T | F | T |
nand | nand (Z10243) | T | T | T | F |
binary true | Binary True (Z10287) | T | T | T | T |
- and (quaternary) (Z11828): takes four boolean inputs and returns true if and only if they are all true
- and (octanary) (Z11849): takes eight boolean inputs and returns true if and only if they are all true
- is truthy (Z15684): returns True if the argument is truthy
- are all true (Z12684): returns true if every list item is true
- is any true (Z12698): checks whether in a list of Boolean any is true
- are all false (Z13445): returns true if every list item is false
- is any false (Z16798): checks whether any members in a Boolean list is false
Sign operations
- same sign (Z16667): returns true if both inputs are identical signs
- different sign (Z16750): returns true if the two inputs are different signs
- invert sign (Z16676): Given a positive sign, returns negative, and vice versa. Neutral remains the same.
- sign non-negative (Z16756): returns false if the input is negative, otherwise true
- sign is non-positive (Z16768): returns true if the sign is either negative or neutral, otherwise positive
- multiply signs (Z16728): the sign of the product of two numbers with the input signs
- do these charges electrostatically attract? (Z16781): true only if one is negative and the other positive (or vice versa)
- do these charges electrostatically repel (Z16793): true only if the charges are of the same sign
- do these charges electrostatically interact (Z16897): True if neither input is neutral
String operations
String evaluation operations
These functions perform simple tests on a text string to tell you if something else needs to be done, or they already are in an expected format.
- string length (Z11040): Return the length of this string
- string length in UTF-8 code units (Z17036): Return the length of this string in UTF-8 code units
- string length in UTF-16 code units (Z17030): Return the length of this string in UTF-16 code units
- is empty string (Z10008): true if the input string is strictly empty, even without any non-printing characters, and false otherwise
- is string blank (Z10083): Checks if a string just contains whitespaces
- is numeric (Z10715): Checks if a string contains only numeric characters
- is uppercase (Z10336): checks if string is uppercase (equal to its own uppercase - so blanks and empty strings count)
- has and is uppercase (Z11349): checks if string has and is uppercase (blanks and strings without letters don't count)
- is lowercase (Z10346): checks if string is all lowercase
- has and is lowercase (Z11383): checks if string has and is lowercase (blanks and strings without letters don't count)
- is title case (Z10375): checks if string is in title case
- is pascal case (Z10363): checks if string is in pascal case
- is camel case (Z10897): true if the entered string is in camel case (e.g. 'camelCase')
- is snake case (Z10324): checks if string is in snake case
- fallback if string is empty (Z11082): returns a fallback string if the value is empty, and the value itself if not
- has specified chars paired (Z11678): check if a string has correctly paired chars (for example: brackets). Specifying left and right chars (brackets) in sequence)
- has all brackets paired (Z11684): check for pairing of all possible left-right paired characters, feel free to extend
- is pangram (Latin alphabet) (Z12626): checks whether a string of characters possesses every letter from the Latin alphabet at least once
- is a palindrome (Z10096): test if a string is the same when read forward and backward (see Z10553 for one with Unicode grapheme support)
- regex test (Z18905): returns true if a regular expression match is present
String comparison operations
- string equality (Z866): True if the first string and the second string are the same
- case-insensitive string equality (Z10539): returns true if both strings are the same if converted to lowercase
- string inequality (Z10379): true if two text strings are not exactly equal
- substring exists (Z10070): Check if a substring exists within another string
- count substrings (Z14450): returns the number of times a substring occurs in a string
- string starts with (Z10615): returns true if the substring exists at the beginning of the string
- string ends with (Z10618): true if the substring exists at the end of the string
- strings equal length (Z11690): checks if the two input strings are of equal length
- longer string (Z11519): Returns the longer of two strings. If equal, defaults to returning the first.
- string only has characters from alphabet (Z11693): check if all of the characters in the tested string are from the alphabet string
- common codepoints in strings (Z14483): true if the two strings contain any codepoints (~characters) in common
- is pangram of alphabet (Z13119): check if the string uses every letter of a specified (lowercase) alphabet
- is anagram (simple) (Z10973): test if the same characters at the same number of times are used in two strings (characters must be exact code points).
- is heterogram (Z11573): True if no character occurs more than once
- is ISO 639-1 language code (Z13482): validates whether a string is a valid ISO 639-1 language code
- is ISO 639-2 language code (Z14083): validates whether a string is a valid ISO 639-2 language code
String discard functions
- discard from start of first substring (Z11410): if the substring is found in the full string, discard everything after and including the first occurrence, otherwise leave unchanged
- discard from end of first substring (Z11412): if the substring is found in the full string, discard everything after but not including the first occurrence, otherwise leave unchanged
- discard until start of first substring (Z11418): if the substring is found in the full string, discard everything before but not including the first occurrence, otherwise leave unchanged
- discard until end of first substring (Z11420): if the substring is found in the full string, discard everything before and including the first occurrence, otherwise leave unchanged
- discard from start of last substring (Z11414): if the substring is found in the full string, discard everything after and including the last occurrence, otherwise leave unchanged
- discard from end of last substring (Z11416): if the substring is found in the full string, discard everything after but not including the last occurrence, otherwise leave unchanged
- discard until start of last substring (Z11422): if the substring is found in the full string, discard everything before but not including the last occurrence, otherwise leave unchanged
- discard until end of last substring (Z11424): if the substring is found in the full string, discard everything before and including the last occurrence, otherwise leave unchanged
- remove at end (Z11170): if a string ends with the given suffix, remove the suffix, otherwise return the string unchanged
String character discard functions
These reduce a string by discarding certain characters.
- remove regular spaces (Z10052): remove all regular spaces (U+0020) from a string
- trim string (Z10079): Remove starting and ending whitespaces
- remove characters in character range (Z11531): strips all characters from a codepoint block from a string
- remove characters in unicode range (Z14119): strips all characters from a codepoint block (specified by unicodes) from a string
- remove interpunction (Z11193): remove all interpunction characters
- remove first character (Z14456): removes the first character of a string and returns the rest
- remove last character (Z11879): renvoie la chaîne de caractères sans le dernier caractère
- final N characters of string (Z14460): return only the last N characters of the initial string
- remove first N characters of string (Z14636): return the string with the first N characters removed
- first N characters of string (Z14592): returns a substring from the beginning of a specified string up to a number of characters
- character Nth from the end of the string (Z14463): return is a string type
- remove all characters except Arabic numerals (Z14494): no description
- remove all characters except ASCII digits, uppercase Latin letters and lowercase Latin letters (Z10171): 文字列から半角英数字以外の文字を除去する
- remove all characters not in second string (Z14515): leaves only the characters in string 1 that are also in string 2
- remove all characters in second string (Z14520): leaves only the characters in string 1 that are not in string 2
Simple String transformations
These perform character replacements and other basic operations.
Replace suffix
- replace at end (Z11178): replaces suffix with replacement if input ends with suffix; if not, returns input unchanged
- replace suffix "a" with "ors" (Z18092): no description
- replace suffix "a" with "ons" (Z18026): no description
- replace suffix "a" with "on" (Z17827): E.g. öga -> ögon
- replace suffix "a" with "orna" (Z17915): E.g. gata -> gatorna
- replace suffix "a" with "ornas" (Z17918): E.g. gata -> gatornas
Add string suffix if not already present
- add suffix to string if it does not already end with the suffix (Z17973): E.g. testing + ing -> testing
- add suffix "ns" to string if it does not end with "ns" (Z18066): no description
- add suffix "en" to string if it does not end with "en" (Z18050): no description
- add suffix "ets" to string if it does not end with "ets" (Z18042): no description
- add suffix "ens" to string if it does not end with "ens" (Z18039): no description
- add suffix "enas" to string if it does not end with "enas" (Z18036): E.g. huvud -> huvudenas
- add suffix "s" to string if it does not already end with "s" (Z18020): E.g. test -> tests
- add suffix "ts" to string if it does not already ends with "ts" (Z18017): no description
- add suffix "nas" to string if it does not already end with "nas" (Z17952): no description
- add suffix "rnas" to string if it does not end with "rnas" (Z17942): E.g. fiende -> fiendernas
- add suffix "rna" to string if it does not end with "rna" (Z17939): E.g. fiende -> fienderna
- add suffix "na" to string if it does not end with "na" (Z17946): no description
- add suffix "r" to string if it does not end with "r" (Z17749): E.g. fiende -> fiender
- add suffix "t" to string if it does not end with "t" (Z17904): E.g. äpple -> äpplet
- add suffix "a" to string if it does not end in "a" (Z17948): no description
- add suffix "n" to string if it does not already end with "n" (Z17791): E.g. äpple -> äpplen
Other transformations
- join two strings (Z10000): combine two strings, one after the other
- reverse string (Z10012): Inverts the order of the characters in a String (see Z10548 for one with Unicode grapheme support)
- replace all substrings (Z10075): finds and replaces all instances of a substring in an input string
- replace character set (Z14613): replaces each character of the first string that appears in the second string with the corresponding character in the third string
- wrap string (Z11145): add wrapper text to the start and end of a string
- unwrap string (Z11151): removes text from start and end of string once only if both are present
- duplicate string (Z10753): takes a string and returns it duplicated
- regular expression substitute with flags (Z12316): $N for capture groups. Flags supported should at least be 'i', 'm', and 'g'.
- replace all (regex, case sensitive) (Z10193): replace characters in a string with another string according to a regex pattern
- echo string except for specific replacement (Z18898): returns the same string, unless it matches a specific string when it returns a specific string
- to Title Case (Z10251): converts a string to title case
- to PascalCase (Z10290): convert string to Pascal Case
- to camelCase (Z10816): convert string to lower camelCase,
- to snake_case (Z10281): convert string to snake case
- string to hex (UTF-8) (Z10366): convert string of UTF-8 characters into hexadecimal
- hex (string) to string (UTF-8) (Z10373): hex to string
- URI percent encode (Z10761): encodes certain characters using URI percent encoding syntax
- URI percent decode (Z10774): decodes a percent-encoded input string
- international morse code encode (Z10944): encodes the supplied string in morse code, separating letter encodings by spaces and words by " / "
- international morse code decode (Z10956): decodes the supplied string in morse code: separate letter encodings by spaces and words by " / "
- encode NATO phonetic alphabet code (Z10309): requires ALLCAPS input, e.g. EXAMPLE
- decode NATO phonetic alphabet code (Z10970): case insensitive
- Infix to Postfix (Z13060): converts infix operators and operands to postfix format
- Replicate string n-times (Z12624): Replicates a string n times: (e.g. f("a",5) -> "aaaaa")
Color operations
- Mix colours (Z12997): Calculates the midpoint between two colours. It prefers input in hexadecimal but also accepts basic colour names.
- convert hex color (Z13017): converts a hexadecimal color code into HSL, HSV, RGB, and CMYK formats
- convert hex colour to [R,G,B] (Z17664): output is a list of three natural numbers, each between 0 and 255
- convert [R,G,B] to hex colour (Z17687): output is lowercase preceded by #
- convert X11 color to hex (Z17713): converts colour names to hex (including leading #)
- opposite colour (Z13023): in the RGB color space
- colour contrast ratio (Z13028): returns colour contrast ratio 'X:1' for given hex colours
- Tint of colour (Z18184): It will mix a color with white by a given percentage.
- Shade of colour (Z18189): Returns the shade of a colour by mixing it with a percentage of black.
- Tone of colour (Z18196): Returns the tone of a color by mixing it with gray
- Analogous colour (Z18204): Returns the colours which are 30 degrees apart from the input base colour.
- Tetradic colours (square) (Z18208): Returns colours that are 90 degree apart from the input base colour.
- Triadic colours (Z18212): Returns the two colours that are 120 degrees and 240 degrees apart from the input base colour.
- Saturation of colour (Z18263): Returns the intensity of an colour. 100% saturation means there is no addition of gray.
- Lightness of colour (Z18268): Returns the measure of how light or dark a colour is, with 0% being completely black and 100% being completely white
- Subtractive colour (Z18296): Subtract the second colour from the first colour.
- Additive colours (Z18300): Additively mix two hex colours using the RGB model.
String presentation transformations
- To Uppercase (Z10018): Convert a string to uppercase letters
- to lowercase (Z10047): Convert a string to lowercase letters
- pretty " (Z11484): replace " with pretty left-right quotes depending on position
- pretty ' (Z11490): replace ' with pretty left-right quotes depending on position
- format large natural number strings by adding commas (Z13473): অনেকগুলো অংক রয়েছে এমন স্বাভাবিক সংখ্যায় কমা যোগ করে সাজায়।
- pad string with leading characters to specified length (Z14770): add specified characters at the start until the string is of the required length
Uncommon String operations
These functions perform more advanced transformations, hold more states and showcase the more advanced capabilities of Wikifunctions.
- left/inner/right mark replacement (Z11492): replaces the same mark (or substring) in a string with different replacements depending on position
- general positional mark replacement (Z11501): a generalisation of Z11492 to allow different spacers and specify isolated replacement
String classical cipher functions
(alphabet needs to be specified when calling these functions)
- Caesar cipher (Latin alphabet) (Z12812): rotates letters in the Latin alphabet forward by a defined number of places
- ROT1 (Latin alphabet) (Z10846): move by one letter in the English alphabet
- ROT13 (Latin alphabet) (Z10627): encode or decode a Latin alphabet string using the ROT13 cipher ROT13 encrypt/decrypt
- ROT25 (Latin alphabet) (Z10851): move each letter one letter back in the English alphabet
Cryptographic hash functions
(would be better with types representing a stream of bytes)
- SHA-1 (Z10148): SHA-1 hash of the UTF-8 representation of a string, as a lowercase hexadecimal byte string SHA-1
- SHA-256 (Z10124): returns the hexadecimal hash of a string in SHA-256 SHA-256
- SHA-384 (Z10132): returns the hexadecimal hash of a string in SHA-384 SHA-384
- SHA-512 (Z10067): hash a string using the SHA-512 function SHA-512
Experimental String operations
TODO: Explain why these exist and when people might use them.
- (!) get lemma string from Lexeme JSON (Z10037): (!) approximates mw.wikibase.lexeme.entity.lexeme:getLemma(languageCode)
- Turkish final-obstruent devoicing for string (Z10022): トルコ語の文字列において、末尾の有声阻害音を無声化した綴りを返す
- Base64 decode (Z10062): decode a string from base64 (needed to demonstrate base64 encode/decode examples)
- debug (Z12941): prints the non-empty string passed to it as a debug and returns true, if empty returns false
Wikitext and Mediawiki string operations
- italicise a simple string in Wikitext (Z11019): wrap string with two pairs of single quotes (ABC -> ''ABC''). Careful using this if your text has special formatting characters.
- bold in Wikitext (Z11139): bold a string by triple quoting, e.g. (ABC -> '''ABC'''). Careful if there are special characters.
- csv record to wikitable row (Z10919): Converts a validly formatted (RFC 4180) comma-separated value series into the contents of a valid wikitable row (not including the row start or row end characters) where variables are separated by '||', and any whitespace is unchanged. Be careful to validly render CSV with quoted fields and with pipes ('|') in the field.
- wrap with XML tag (Z11156): adds <tag> and </tag> around a string
- substitute mediawiki editchangetags query (Z17954): 36621225 ... ↓ ?action=editchangetags&ids%5B36621225%5D=1 ... &ids
- substitute mediawiki revisiondelete query (Z17956): 36621225 ... ↓ ?action=revisiondelete&ids%5B36621225%5D=1 ... &ids
Comma-separated operations
- string is element of CSV (Z11094): tests whether a string is an element of a validly formatted (RFC 4180) comma-separated value series (single row, not whole file); be careful to validly interpret a CSV with quoted fields
Scientific functions
Place functions to their fields of study.
- blood compatibility (Z14469): checks whether two blood groups are compatible with each other. Input must be in the form of A+, A-, B+, B-, O+, O-, AB+, AB-
- blood group inheritance (Z14473): calculates child's blood group based on parent one and parent two genotype blood groups; A and B are co-dominant, while O is recessive
- remove isotopic specificity in SMILES (Z11811): minimally replace any validly specified isotopes in a SMILES string with the generic atom
- condense to numeric charges in SMILES string (Z11884): condenses the charges with magnitudes greater than one in SMILES strings, e.g. [Ti++++] to [Ti+4]
- expand from numeric charges in SMILES string (Z12611): expands the charges with magnitudes greater than one in SMILES strings, e.g. [Ti+4] to [Ti++++]
- remove charges from SMILES string (Z12617): removes all the charges which are indicated in SMILES strings
- is a chemical element symbol (Z11854): tests whether a string is a standard (currently correct) chemical element symbol
- sign of net charge from SMILES string (Z16718): takes a string representation of a molecular or ionic compound and returns whether it is positive, negative, or neutral overall
- remove non-stereochemical single bonds from SMILES (Z16741): see Single bonds "-" are allowed but usually omitted. Careful not to remove any negative charges.
- Molar mass of compound (Z18932): Calculates the molar mass of a chemical compound based on its formula, returning results in g/mol.
- Required cables in mesh topology (Z18922): Calculates the number of cables required for a mesh network topology by giving the number of nodes.
Natural language operations
See context in m:Abstract Wikipedia/Updates/2023-09-08.
global language functions
- same language (Z14326): returns true if the two given languages are same otherwise false.
- monolingual text equality (Z14392): tests that both the language and the string of a monolingual text are equal
- language code of monolingual text (Z12877): returns the language code for a monolingual text
- is language in list (Z14321): enyocha ma asụsụ a di na ndepụta
- select a function based on language (Z14310): Returns a function associated with the requested language on a configuration list. This is used in general functions which need to work differently in different languages.
- select a function based on lists of languages (Z14311): no description
- number of function options in configuration (Z14548): Enweghị nkọwapụta
- bangla grapheme split (Z10587): Split all the graphemes in a given string in Bangla
- is Bangla word (Z12678): Check if the given word contains only Bangla letters
- Is or has Bengali character (Z12892): Returns yes if the input string contains any bengali character or alphabet
- Bangla conjunct vowel separation (Z13151): Separates conjunct vowels from consonants, returning the consonants and vowels separately.
- contains all characters of Bengali alphabet (Z14260): similar to is pangram (English) Z12626
- Bengali cardinal (Z16150): Converts a natural number to a Bengali text string
- Bengali text to cardinal (Z16904): কোনো সংখ্যার কথায় লেখা রূপ ইনপুট নিয়ে অঙ্কবাচক রূপ ফেরত দেয়।
- Caesar cipher (Bengali Consonants) (Z17526): বাংলা বর্ণমালার ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ গুলিকে একটি নির্দিষ্ট সংখ্যক স্থান দ্বারা এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাবে
- Caesar cipher (Bengali alphabets) (Z17530): বাংলা বর্ণমালা (ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ এবং স্বরবর্ণ উভয়) গুলিকে একটি নির্দিষ্ট সংখ্যক স্থান দ্বারা এগিয়ে নিয়ে যাবে।
- Bengali to braille (India) (Z17563): Converts Bengali text to Braille, as per Indian standard. For the Bangladeshi standard, see 'Z17564'. Learn more, w:Bengali Braille.
- Bengali to braille (Bangladesh) (Z17564): বাংলা পাঠ্যকে ব্রেইল লেখায় রূপান্তর করবে, বাংলাদেশের পদ্ধতি অনুযায়ী। ভারতের প্রচলিত পদ্ধতিটির জন্য দেখুন 'Z17563' । আরও জানুন, w:bn:বাংলা ব্রেইল।
- Arabic to Bangla numerals (Z17599): converts an Arabic number to Bangla numerals.
Grammatical & Morphological
- genitive case of Bangla word (Z10591): Returns the genitive case of a Bangla word
- Classical to standard Bengali (Z11077): Converts a classical Bengali word to standard Bengali.
- Is Bangla Vowel or Consonant (Z12919): Returns is the string is a Bangla vowel, consonant or a mixture of both.
- Bangla matra (diacritic) type (Z13156): Returns the type of matra present in the input string. If the input contains multiple types of matras, it returns 'Mixed'.
- Bangla consonant type (articulation point) (Z13195): ইনপুটে উপস্থিত ব্যাঞ্জনবর্ণ গুলোর উচ্চারণের স্থান অনুযায়ী তাদের বর্ণের প্রকার প্রদর্শন করে, গননা সহিত। যদি স্পর্শবর্ণ তাহলে ধ্বনির প্রকারও গননা করতে সক্ষম।
- Bangla consonant type (pronunciation) (Z13238): উচ্চারণ রীতির বৈশিষ্ট্য অনুযায়ী, ইনপুটের ব্যঞ্জনবর্ণ গুলোর প্রকার ও তাদের গননা প্রদর্শন করে
- Bangla vowels type (Z13270): ইনপুটে উপস্থিত স্বরবর্ণের ধরণ যাচাই ও গননা করে, উচ্চারণ অনুসারে। কোনো ব্যাঞ্জনবর্ণ গননা করবে না, সেটার জন্য দেখুন Z13238।
- Bengali -এর suffix form (Z18831): Adds an 'এর' (or 'ের') to a Bengali word. 'এর' in Bengali is similar to 's (Apostrophe) in English.
- Bengali -এরা suffix form (Z18837): Adds an 'এরা' (or 'েরা') to a Bengali word.
- Bengali -গুলো suffix form (Z18881): Adds a 'গুলো' suffix to a Bengali word if it doesn't end with 'গুলো', 'গুলা', or 'গুলি'.
- Basque plural noun (Z18541): This function creates the plural for a noun in Basque
- Basque ergative singular case declension (Z18670): This function returns the singular ergative case for a noun (proper or not) in Basque language
- Basque Cardinal (Z18733): uses Basque language names for very large numbers.
- Basque cardinal to ordinal (Z18742): Returns the ordinal text for a cardinal text number
- Basque Ordinals (Z18746): Return Basque language ordinal text to an integer big number
- Basque month name from month number (Z18826): transforms a natural number (1-12) to the name of the month in Basque language
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) nominative case plural (Z12082): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) genitive case plural (Z12141): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) object case plural (Z12144): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) ablative case plural (Z12147): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) instrumental case plural (Z12149): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) comitative case plural (Z12151): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) inessive case plural (Z12153): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) allative case plural (Z12155): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) benefactive case plural (Z12157): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) adessive case plural (Z12159): no description
- Brahui (Perso-Arabic) terminative case plural (Z12161): no description
- does with word mutate in Breton? (Z11595): check whether or not a breton word is subject of initial consonant mutation
- Breton soft mutation (Z11619): renvoie la forme adoucie d'un mot en breton
- Breton hard mutation (Z11627): renvoie la forme durcie d'un mot en breton
- Breton aspirant mutation (Z11632): returns the aspirant form of a word in Breton
- Breton cardinal (Z16608): exprime un nombre en toutes lettres en breton (au masculin et en peurunvan)
For Breton nouns
- Breton definite article (Z11700): returns a breton word with the definite article
- Numbers :
- is Breton plural (Z11557): check if a word is a plural in Breton
- Breton singulative (Z11616): return the singulative form of a noun in Breton
- Plural of a singulative
- Breton plural in -où (Z11611): most common ending for Breton plural, mostly for inanimate things
- Breton plural in -ioù (Z11770): terminaison du pluriel en breton, surtout pour des choses inanimées
- Breton plural in -ed (Z11775): terminaison du pluriel en breton, surtout pour des choses animées
- Breton plural -ien (Z11779): terminaison du pluriel en breton, pour des noms d'agents masculins
For Breton verbs
- is Breton verb (Z12268): verify that a word may be a verb in Breton
TODO: conjugated form in 4 mutations
The percentages in the table, if given, state for how many of the lexemes in Wikidata the functions are correct. The percentages have been calculated using the this Paws Notebook.
feminine | masculine | neuter | ||||
case | singular | plural | singular | plural | singular | plural |
nominative | 100% | 95% | 98% | 50% | 100% | 85% |
genitive | 97% | 82% | 83% | 63% | 88% | 74% |
dative | 91% | 95% | 81% | 47% | 88% | 85% |
accusative | 95% | 94% | 79% | 53% | 94% | 85% |
vocative | 85% | 95% | 44% | 49% | 95% | 85% |
locative | 90% | 94% | 82% | 47% | 88% | 85% |
instrumental | 88% | 94% | 66% | 47% | 85% | 85% |
positive definite | feminine | masculine | neuter | ||||
case | singular | plural | singular | plural | singular | plural | |
nominative | Z12578 | ||||||
genitive | Z12587 | ||||||
dative | |||||||
accusative | animate | ||||||
inanimate | |||||||
vocative | |||||||
locative | |||||||
instrumental | |||||||
positive indefinite | feminine | masculine | neuter | ||||
case | singular | plural | singular | plural | singular | plural | |
nominative | |||||||
genitive | |||||||
dative | |||||||
accusative | animate | ||||||
inanimate | |||||||
vocative | |||||||
locative | |||||||
instrumental | |||||||
comparative | feminine | masculine | neuter | ||||
case | singular | plural | singular | plural | singular | plural | |
nominative | |||||||
genitive | |||||||
dative | |||||||
accusative | animate | ||||||
inanimate | |||||||
vocative | |||||||
locative | |||||||
instrumental | |||||||
superlative | feminine | masculine | neuter | ||||
case | singular | plural | singular | plural | singular | plural | |
nominative | |||||||
genitive | |||||||
dative | |||||||
accusative | animate | ||||||
inanimate | |||||||
vocative | |||||||
locative | |||||||
instrumental |
- Is some string(s) containing a Dagbani character?
- Dutch plural (Z12627): Return the plural of a Dutch noun.
- English plural (Z11089): Return the plural of an English word. See for context.
- English count plurality (Z11218): takes a natural number and the plural and singular cases of a count noun and returns the correct plurality
- English possessive (Z11302): makes a noun or pronoun (either subjective or objective) possessive, but use a different function for possessive determiners. see
- English plural possessive (Z19125): Returns the form for a plural possessive or genitive based on the lemma form, e.g. dog → dogs'
- English verb to agent noun (Z11390): morpheme which takes a verb and returns the agent that does that verb
- English adjective to adverb (Z11646): no description
- English comparative adjective (Z11795): morpheme which takes an adjective and returns the comparative adjective
- English regular superlative form (Z12203): regular superlative form of an English adjective or flat adverb
- English -ing form (Z13087): create the gerund / present participle form of an English verb
- English -ion base form (Z13280): The transformation of a verb into an agent noun by adding the suffix "-ion"
- English -ed form (regular) (Z13177): Create the past participle of an English verb
- English -ed form (Z13284): past tense and past participle form of the verb
- English -er form (Z13262): English verb to agent noun ending in -er
- suffix English word (Z13254): add any suffix to an English word with regular changes to spelling (monosyllabic or final-syllable stress is generally assumed)
- English cardinal (Z13587): expresses a natural number in English words
- English ordinal (Z14526): converts a natural number to a standard English text string
- English denominator to fractional ordinal (Z14726): converts the natural number N in the denominator of a fraction into the singular name of (1/Nth)
- English month name from month number (Z13596): transforms a natural number (1-12) to the name of the month
- contains shouting (Z18852): Detects shouting in English text; returns True if any is found, otherwise False.
- Filter shouting words (Z18859): Returns a list of shouting words in English.
- is Esperanto adjective (Z10450): checks if word is an Esperanto adjective
- is Esperanto adverb (Z10491): checks if word is an Esperanto adverb
- is Esperanto noun (Z10514): checks if word is an Esperanto noun
- to h-system (Z10458): transliterates Esperanto's circumflex letters to Latin alphabet
- to x-system (Z10459): transliterates Esperanto's circumflex letters to Latin alphabet
- from x-system (Z10574): transliterates Esperanto's x-system to the proper Esperanto alphabet
- from h-system (Z10953): transliterates Esperanto's h-system to the proper Esperanto alphabet
- Esperanto plural (Z10482): writes this word in the plural form for Esperanto
- Esperanto accusative (Z12630): write accusative form of Esperanto word
- Esperanto accusative plural (Z12895): write accusative form of Esperanto word and make it plural
- Finnish nominative plural (Z11205): Input Finnish nominative singular. Output Finnish nominative plural.
- French regular plural (Z11548): returns the regular plural of a noun in French
- French adjective to adverb (Z11589): Canja kalmar da akayi amfani da ita ta harshen Faransanci daga "Siffa" zuwa "Bayanau"
- French masculine adjective to feminine (Z11590): renvoie la forme féminin d'un adjectif au masculin (en orthographe traditionnelle pre-1990)
- Does this French verb belong to 1st group? (Z12436): no description
- Does this French verb belong to 2nd group? (Z12439): no description
- Does this French verb belong to 3rd group? (Z12440): no description
(These generally correspond to more than one form.)
- German noun, -(e)n/-innen declension (Z11722): generate the -(e)n or -innen declined form of German nouns (f. plurals)
- German noun, -s declension (Z11729): generate the -s declined form of German nouns (some f. plurals and m./n. genitives and plurals)
- German noun, umlaut + -e declension (Z11739): generate the umlaut + -e declined form of strong German nouns (some plurals)
- German noun, -n declension (Z11749): generate the -n declined form of German nouns (used to compose some other forms)
- German noun, umlaut + -en declension (Z11753): generate the umlaut + -en declined form of strong German nouns (dative plural)
- German noun, -um/-en declension (Z11762): generate the form replacing -um with -en of a German noun (some plurals)
- German noun, -e declension (Z11789): generate the -e declined form of German nouns (some masculine/neuter plurals)
- German noun, -(e)n declension (Z11834): generate the -(e)n declined form of German nouns (m./n. all except nom. sg.)
- German noun, -(e)s genitive declension (Z12689): generate the -(e)s genitive(s) of German nouns
- German noun, umlaut + -er declension (Z11996): generate the umlaut + -er declined form of strong German nouns (some plurals)
- German noun, umlaut + -ern declension (Z12004): generate the umlaut + -ern declined form of strong German nouns (some dative plurals)
- German cardinal number (Z15963): returns the German word for a particular natural number
- German to Braille (Z18365): converts German text to Braille
- Urdu oblique gerund / masculine plural (Z12240)
- Urdu conjunctive adverbial (Z12242)
- Urdu absolute construction (Z12244)
- Urdu feminine singular potential participle (Z12246)
- Suffix a verb to get it imperative form (Igbo) (Z11353): Suffixing a verb to get it imperative verb as long as the verb ends with any vowel letter. E.g imperative form of 'ga' is 'gaa'
- is an Igbo vowel (Z11306): Return true if the character is an Igbo vowel .
- Adds a preposition 'na' to a word (Igbo) (Z11248): Add na before the word when the word begins with a consonant and adds n' before the word when the word begins with a vowel.
- is an Igbo pseudo-vowel(myiriụdaume) (Z12408): Return true if the word contains an Igbo pseudo -vowel and correctly spelled otherwise return false
- Suffix a verb to get it simple past tense (Igbo) (Z12770): Suffixing a simple verb root (e.g 'ri', 'si', 'ri', me etc) to get it past tense.
- prefix a verb to get it simple present continuous tense(Igbo) (Z12806): Prefixing a simple verb root (e.g 'ri', 'si', 'ri', me etc) to get it present tense.
- get list of possible simple verb root (igbo) (Z13145): A simple verb root is a verb that has no prefix, suffix, mood and has one consonant. When given an igbo vowel it returns all the possible verb root in igbo izugbe
- is light vowel (ụdamfe) (Z13916): When given a character or word it check if it contain a light vowel/ụdamfe and return true otherwise false.
- Is heavy vowel (udaarọ) (Z13922): When given a character or word it check if it contain a heavy vowel/ụdaarọ and return true otherwise false.
- Igbo infinitive form of verb (Z13927): get the infinitive form of a verb as long as the verb follows the vowel harmony rule or if the verb is a root verb
- Igbo month name from month number (Z16000): transforms a natural number (1-13) to the name of the Igbo month from Igbo calendar
- Igbo cardinal (Z16053): it converts natural number ranging from one to trillion(given the available information ) to igbo.
- prefix a verb to get it future tense(Igbo) (Z16074): Prefixing a simple verb root (e.g 'ga', 'si', 'ri','gụ','zụ', 'me' etc) to get it future tense.
- Suffix a verb to get it negative imperative form (Igbo) (Z16524): Suffixing a verb to get it negative imperative verb as long as the verb ends with any vowel letter. E.g negative imperative form of 'ga' is 'agala'
- is hiragana (Z10878): Given a single-character string, returns boolean for whether it is an hiragana or not.
- is katakana (Z10883): Given a character, returns boolean for whether it is a katakana or not.
- is Han character (Z10927): Given a character, returns boolean for whether it is a Han character (hanzi, kanji, hanja) or not.
New Persian
Considering together Iranian, Afghan, and Tajik Persian or Dari in the Arabic, Cyrllic, Latin, Hebrew or other scripts.
- Russian to Tajik (Z18140)
- Balochi Latin (Jahani 2019) to Tajik Latin (Z18828)
- Judeo-Persian morpheme join (Z18440)
- New Persian join ezafe to fa based on tg (Z18216)
- plural
- animate plural
- Persian animate plural
- Tajik animate plural
- Kurdish plural (Z18199): Takes a singular noun in Central Kurdish with it's plural type and returns it in the plural form.
- has sequence of vowels in Kurdish (Z18603): Takes a Kurdish word or string and returns True if it contains vowels in sequence otherwise False
- List of words containing a sequence of vowels in Kurdish (Z18616): Takes a string of words and returns a list of words that contain a sequence of vowels in Kurdish
- contains non-standard Kurdish characters (Z18708): Takes a text and returns True if contains non-Kurdish characters, otherwise False.
- List of words containing non-standard Kurdish letters (Z18716): Takes a string of words and returns a list of words that contain non-standard Kurdish letters.
- Kurdish Latin to Arabic (Z18790): Converts Kurdish Latin to Arabic script.
- suffix Kurdish word (Z18807): add suffix to a Central Kurdish word with regular changes to spelling
- Arabic to Indo-Arabic numerals (Z18489): Takes an Arabic number and returns the same number in the Indo-Arabic system.
- Indo-Arabic to Arabic numerals (Z18504): Takes an Indo-Arabic number and returns the same number in the Arabic system.
- Central Kurdish cardinal from digit string (Z18699): Takes a number/digit as string and returns it in Central Kurdish words.
- Polish cardinal (Z15965): перетворює число на його текстову форму польською мовою
Missing functions will be filled in as they are completed.
- masculine direct case plural, oblique case singular
- masculine oblique case plural
- Gurmukhi ā > iā~
- Shahmukhi ā > iā~
- masculine oblique case plural (perfect participle)
- Gurmukhi ā > iā~/e
- Shahmukhi ā > iā~/e
- masculine vocative case singular
- Gurmukhi ā > iā
- Shahmukhi ā > iā
- masculine vocative case plural
- Gurmukhi ā > io
- Shahmukhi ā > io
- masculine ablative
- Gurmukhi ā > io~
- Shahmukhi ā > io~
- feminine direct case plural, oblique case plural
- Gurmukhi +ā~
- Shahmukhi +ā~
- feminine vocative case singular
- Gurmukhi +e
- Shahmukhi +e
- feminine vocative case plural
- Gurmukhi +o
- Shahmukhi +o
- feminine ablative
- Gurmukhi +o~
- Shahmukhi +o~
- common forms
- gerund
- Dhanni forms without -v-
- conjunctive participle
- absolute construction
- potential participle
- imperfect participle
- Pothohari forms in -n-
- perfect participle
- subjunctive
- imperative
- gerund
- subtractive phase
- imperfect participle
- Charhdi definite subjunctive
- colloquial first person singular, third person singular
- gendered personal series
- Lehndi future
- Lehndi passive
- passive gerund
- imperfect passive participle
- impersonal passive
- Jatki + Shahpuri passive subjunctive
- Jatki + Shahpuri passive future
The ergative case function can serve as one for the instrumental case where applicable.
- Rohingya Hanifi noun ergative case (Z11938)
- Rohingya Fonna noun ergative case (Z12186)
- Rohingya Hanifi noun genitive case (Z12116)
- Rohingya Hanifi noun object case (Z12128)
- Rohingya Hanifi noun ablative case (Z12132)
- Rohingya Hanifi noun locative case (Z12130)
- Rohingya Hanifi noun benefactive case (Z12134)
- Sindhi (Perso-Arabic) masculine u > a (Z12163)
- Sindhi (Devanagari) masculine u > a (Z12166)
- Sindhi (Perso-Arabic) masculine u > ā~ (Z12168)
- Sindhi (Devanagari) masculine u > ā~ (Z12170)
- Sindhi (Perso-Arabic) masculine u > ani (Z12172)
- Sindhi (Devanagari) masculine u > ani (Z12174)
- Sindhi (Perso-Arabic) feminine u > uni (Z12180)
- Sindhi (Devanagari) feminine u > uni (Z12183)
- Ukrainian cardinal (Z15953): transforms a number into its spelling in Ukrainian
- transliterate Ukrainian text into Latin characters (Z16812): transliterate Ukrainian Cyrillic text into Latin characters (according to official instructions by the Ukrainian government –
List operations
- Typed list (Z881): A list containing items of the same type
Basic list/iterable functions
- length of a list (Z12681): number of objects on a list
- lists are exactly the same elements in the same order (Z889): lists are exactly the same elements in the same order (whether or not the list is explicitly typed)
- same list (Z18646): returns True if all the elements in two lists are equal and both lists have the same Type
- first element (Z811): returns the first element of the input list (labelled “Item 1”)
- Item 2 (Z16360): returns the second element from a list
- last element (Z12964): the final element of a list
- Is empty list (Z813): returns true if and only if the list has zero elements
- contains (Z12696): check whether a list contains a certain element
- are all true (Z12684): returns true if every list item is true
- all meet criteria (Z12735): every item on the list, when evaluated by the criteria function, evaluates to true
- is any true (Z12698): checks whether in a list of Boolean any is true
- any meet criteria (Z12738): return true if one the items of a list meets criteria given by a function, otherwise false
- is single element list (Z12755): returns true if the list has exactly one element
- is two element list (Z12759): returns true if and only if the list has exactly two elements
- is longer list (Z12851): true if first list is longer than the second, false when equal or shorter
- lists have equal length (Z12864): true if the lists have an equal number of elements, false otherwise
- lists have unequal length (Z13310): Returns true if lists have different length
- index of first listing (1...N) (Z13708): returns the position on a list of the element tested (1...N)
- get the nth element of a list (Z13397): When given a valid index (1-based) return the nth element of the supplied list otherwise return nothing
Complex list/iterable functions
- is permutation (Z12741): tests if one list is a permutation of another
- is superset (Z12846): test whether the first list contains all elements of the second (and contains at least as many as any repeated elements)
- is there a common element on these lists? (Z13752): returns true if the two lists share at least one common element
Functions with list outputs
A list argument returned by a Python or JavaScript implementation is given the Type appropriate for the elements in that list. A specific Type of list may be specified in the function specification, and an error will occur if the list returned contains elements of any different Type. Note that an untyped (Z1-typed) list will not be returned if all its elements have the same Type; untype a list (Z17895) will convert any type of list to a Z1-typed list, where this is required.
- return Typed or untyped list (Z18729): according to the option chosen, returns an heuristically Typed list or an untyped (Z1-Typed) list
- untype a list (Z17895): takes a typed list and returns the same list but with an overall object type
- return Typed list (Z18475): returns a Typed list with the correct Type if all elements have the same Type, otherwise untyped
- reverse list preserving list typing/untyping (Z18759): deals with either typed or untyped lists, and preserves the typing
- append element to Typed list (Z12961): adds the supplied element to the end of the supplied list
- list without last element (Z12967): returns a list without the last element
- get the first n elements of an untyped list (Z13366): return a list of the first n elements of a supplied list
- remove first N elements of list (Z13369): returns the supplied list without the first N elements (an empty list if the number of items to be removed is greater than the length of the list or the number of items to be removed is invalid)
- remove last n elements of a list (Z13373): returns the supplied list without the last n elements. if the number of items to be remove is higher than length of the list or number of items to be remove is invalid it removes all items from list
- remove the nth element from a list (Z13429): When given a valid index remove the element at the position and return the supplied list otherwise return nothing
- get the last n elements of a list (Z13362): return a list of the last n elements of a supplied list .
- concatenate two untyped lists (Z12767): appends two lists together and preserves the order of elements
- interleave lists (Z13155): interleave lists of same length together such that [ A .. Z ], [ 1 .. 26 ]...n return [ A, 1, B, 2 .. n] and if there are uneven list of same size or if this list doesnt contain lists throughout it returns an empty list
- split list into a list of two ~equal length lists (Z13224): Keeps the order of elements, first half on first list. If odd length, the first list will have just over half.
- faro out-shuffle (Z13247): a perfect riffle shuffle see
- remove first matching element from list (Z12856): returns a list equal to the original list with the first matching element removed
- remove all matching elements from list (Z13081): returns a list equal to the original list with all matching element removed
- remove duplicates (Z13078): remove second and subsequent duplicate items without changing the order of the list
- Sort ascending
- add vectors (containing natural numbers) (Z17670): vectors must have equal length
- average vectors (containing natural numbers) (Z17675): Vectors must be equal length. Uses integer division, so (a[i]+b[i])//2 will round down if (a[i]+b[i]) is odd
In-built functions with list outputs
These operate on object-typed lists, so may not need a different version for each type. However, code implementations cannot currently generate lists of objects (other than string/boolean). So code implementations will not work on these functions.
- Map Function (Z873): return a list of elements processed by a given function
- Filter Function (Z872): return elements meeting criteria given by a function
- prepend element to list (Z810): adds the supplied element to the start of the supplied list
- list without first element (Z812): returns a list without the first element
Character operations
- Code point equality (Z888): tests whether two code-point realisations (as entered) have identical Unicode code-point representations
- Codepoint list to string (Z886): Converts a list of code points to a string
- String to codepoint list (Z868): menghasilkan daftar karakter dari untaian yang dimasukkan
- get first character of string (Z10901): returns the first character of a string
- get last character of string (Z11060): returns the last character of a string
- get Nth character of a string (Z14244): counting each codepoint as a character, counting from 1
- previous character (Z11564): returns the character one codepoint before the input character
- next character (Z11538): returns the character one codepoint above the input character
- first letter of strings: codepoints in ascending order (Z11523): First has a <= codepoint than the second. Only considers the first character of strings.
- in codepoint order (three characters) (Z11528): characters in codepoint order (each equal or ascending)
- chr of codepoint (Z11534): the chr() function in python
- unicode of first character (Z11515): Python ord() function. Return the natural number that represents the (single/first) character input.
Natural number operations
Numeric Characteristics
- is Natural number (Z15818): returns True if the argument is a Natural number, otherwise False (unless error)
- is prime (Z12427): Checks if the provided integer is prime or not.
- is semiprime (Z14953): no description
- is factorial (Z14961): no description
- is square number (Z15190): no description
- is square-free integer (Z15276): no description
- is power of 2 (Z15735): no description
- is power of k (Z15741): no description
- is perfect kth power (Z15251): no description
- is perfect number (Z14933): no description
- is superperfect number (Z14999): no description
- is semiperfect number (Z14980): no description
- is factorial prime (Z14966): no description
- is perfect power (Z15265): check if a natural number n is a perfect power (i.e. there exists natural numbers m > 1 and k > 1 such that m^k = n)
- divisors (Z13726): For a given number return a list of natural numbers that divide the given number without remainder. Return in ascending order.
- is (m,k)-perfect number (Z15007): no description
- is Armstrong number (Z12636): Sum of individual digit to the power total number of digits is equal to original number.
- is Carmichael number (Z14683): returns true if the input is a Carmichael number, otherwise false
- is Cunningham number (Z15757): check if a natural number is of form a^b+1 or a^b-1, where a,b>=2
- is Fermat pseudoprime (Z14783): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- is Fibonacci number (Z15617): Enweghị nkọwa ma ọ bụ utu aha enyere.
- is Lucas–Carmichael number (Z15282): no description
- is Poulet number (Z14792): no description
- is Størmer number (Z15201): no description
- is Wieferich number (Z14815): no description
- is Wieferich prime (Z14810): Enweghị nkọwa ma ọ bụ utu aha enyere.
- is abundant number (Z14976): no description
- is arithmetic number (Z15031): no description
- is deficient number (Z14971): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- is eban number (Z15151): check if a number contains 'e' when spelled out in English (A006933)
- is evil number (Z15127): "evil number" : entier positif possédant un nombre de 1 positif dans son expression binaire
- is harmonic divisor number (Z14924): no description
- nth centered k-gonal number (Z15443): also see Z15500 for non-centered polygonal number
- is k-almost prime (Z14946): no description
- is k-hyperperfect number (Z14938): no description
- is k-perfect number (Z15018): no description
- is k-rough number (Z15241): no description
- is k-smooth number (Z15218): no description
- is m-superperfect number (Z15013): no description
- is odious number (Z15121): no description
- is palindromic number (Z15050): Enweghị nkọwa ma ọ bụ utu aha enyere.
- is palindromic prime (Z15055): no description
- is refactorable number (Z15186): no description
- is regular number (Z15224): no description
- is sphenic number (Z14958): no description
- is strobogrammatic number (Z15195): no description
- is unusual number (Z15228): no description
- is weird number (Z14991): no description
- equality of natural numbers (Z13522): Checks if two natural numbers have the same value
- Kronecker delta (Z15849): returns 1 if the two natural number inputs are equal, and 0 if they are unequal
- greater than (natural numbers) (Z13676): returns true if and only if the first number is strictly greater than the second
- greater than or equal (natural numbers) (Z13682): returns true if and only if the first number is greater than or equal to the second
- less than (natural numbers) (Z13689): returns true if the first is strictly less than the second
- less than or equal (natural numbers) (Z13695): returns true if and only if the first number is less than or equal to the second number
- sign of difference (Z16731): returns the sign of the subtraction: (first number - second number)
- are coprime (natural numbers) (Z13701): the only common factor of the two arguments is 1
- is divisible (Z13740): true if the dividend (first number) is divisible by the divisor (second number) with no remainder
- natural number is even (Z13555): true if the input is evenly divisible by 2
- first natural number is in closed interval of the other two (Z16773): no description
- same list of natural numbers (Z17628): Checks that two lists of natural numbers are the same. Repetitions and order matters.
- greater of two natural numbers (Z13630): returns the greater of the two arguments
- lesser of two natural numbers (Z13633): returns the lower of two natural numbers
Arithmetic Functions
- Ones complement binary addition (Z12971): Performs binary addition using the ones complement method.
- Ones complement binary subtraction (Z12975): Performs binary subtraction using the ones complement method.
- add two Natural numbers (Z13521): adds two Natural numbers together, returning a Natural number
- increment natural number (Z13578): increase a natural number by one
- multiply two natural numbers (Z13539): calculate the product of two natural numbers
- divide natural numbers (Z13546): returns the integral portion of the result from dividing two natural numbers
- remainder of natural number division (Z13551): remainder from dividing two natural numbers
- absolute difference between natural numbers (Z13576): magnitude of the difference, independent of the order of arguments
- subtract natural numbers with floor of 0 (Z13569): subtracts the second natural number from the first, returns 0 if the second is larger
- subtract natural numbers as integer (Z17315): returns an integer as the subtraction of two natural numbers
- decrement natural number by one (Z13582): reduces the value of a natural number by one, with a floor of 0
- greatest common divisor (Z13612): returns the greatest common divisor of two natural numbers
- least common multiple (Z13660): no description
- exponentiation of natural numbers (Z13647): raise base to a power
- integer square root, python (Z15257): no description
- integer square root (Z15256): no description
- hyperoperation (Z14732): H_n(a,b) = a[n]b
- Round to decimal places (Z12606): Rounds a given floating-point number to a whole number of decimal places.
- factorial (Z13667): returns the factorial of a natural number
- alternating factorial (Z15143): no description
- hyperfactorial (Z15163): [[:D:Q18450993]] [[:oeis:A002109]]
- double factorial (Z13995): the product of all the positive integers up to n that have the same parity (odd or even) as n
- double factorial of 2n-1 (Z13997): no description
- modular exponentiation (Z13818): returns the power of one natural number to another natural number, reduced mod a third natural number
- modular multiplicative inverse (Z13822): no description
- binomial coefficient (Z13848): no description
- binomial(n, floor(n/2)) (Z14007): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- k-permutation (Z13854): no description
- sign (a-b)*(a-c) (Z16762): returns the sign of the (natural number) calculation (a-b)*(a-c)
- 2*n+1 (Z15108): no description
- Ackermann function (two-argument version) (Z14742): no description
- Delannoy number, python (Z14860): no description
- Entringer number (Z15318): E(n,k)
- Eulerian number (Z14894): A(n,k)
- Fuss–Catalan number (Z15341): A_m(p,r)
- Lah number (Z14900): no description
- Lobb number (Z14905): L(m,n) with n ≥ m ≥ 0
- Narayana number (Z14847): N(n,k)
- Padovan number (Z15075): Enweghị nkọwapụta
- Padovan's spiral number (Z15085): no description
- sum of natural numbers in interval (Z14209): Computes a sum of natural numbers in a closed ascending interval [a, b].
Natural number sequences and unary natural number functions
- is Armstrong number (Z12636): Sum of individual digit to the power total number of digits is equal to original number.
- Collatz conjecture function (Z13561): returns the next entry in the Collatz sequence whose first entry is the input
- total stopping time (Collatz function) (Z14058): number of iterations of the Collatz function before the input reaches 1
- stopping time (Collatz function) (Z14066): iterations before the hailstone number goes below it's initial value (a_i < a_0), or reaches 1. See Z14058 for the total stopping time.
- Catalan number (Z13857): no description
- Cullen number (Z15044): no description
- Dedekind psi function (Z13957): no description
- Euler totient function (Z13955): no description
- Euler zigzag number (Z15302): no description
- Fermat number, F_n = 2^2^n + 1 (Z14629): Q207264
- Hooley's delta function (Z14917): no description
- Hurwitz-Radon number (Z15119): no description
- McCarthy 91 function (Z15232): no description
- Motzkin number (Z14871): no description
- Padovan number (Z15075): Enweghị nkọwapụta
- Padovan's spiral number (Z15085): no description
- Perrin number (Z15080): no description
- Riordan number (Z15061): a(n) = (n-1)*(2*a(n-1) + 3*a(n-2))/(n+1)
- Schröder number (Z14876): no description
- Sylvester's sequence nth term (Z13843): no description
- Wedderburn–Etherington number (Z15386): no description
- Woodall number (Z15047): no description
- cake number (Z14888): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- central Delannoy number (Z14864): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- central binomial coefficient (Z13989): no description
- exponential factorial (Z15157): no description
- largest prime divisor (Z13735): no description
Bitwise Functions
- bitwise and (Z13651): no description
- bitwise or (Z13652): disjunkce aplikovaná na jednotlivé bity
- bitwise xor (Z13653): no description
- left shift (Z13812): no description
- right shift (Z13813): no description
- binary weight of n (Z13860): Enweghị nkọwapụta.
- length of binary representation (Z13928): no description
Number conversions
- Arabic to Roman numeral (Z11022): Convert a natural number [1, 4999] to roman numeral
- Roman to Arabic numeral (Z11023): Convert a Roman numeral to Arabic numeral
- Attic numerals to Natural number (Z18515): Convert a string of Ancient Greek numerals into a Natural Number (Wikifunctions type)
- Arabic to Indo-Arabic numerals (Z18489): Takes an Arabic number and returns the same number in the Indo-Arabic system.
- Indo-Arabic to Arabic numerals (Z18504): Takes an Indo-Arabic number and returns the same number in the Arabic system.
- to glagolitic numeral (Z14018): Turns a number into its representation as a glagolitic numeral. Works for the range 1-5999.
- Binary to decimal (Z12982): Takes a binary number set and returns the equivalent decimal number.
- Binary to hexadecimal (Z12987): Takes a binary number set and returns the equivalent Hexadecimal number.
- natural number to binary string (without prefix) (Z13779): no description
- natural number to octal (without prefix) (Z13780): Converts a decimal (base 10) integer to octal (base 8) (given as a string) without the "0o" prefix
- natural number to hexadecimal (lowercase, without prefix) (Z13781): no description
- natural number to base n (Z15671): base n <= 36
- natural number to binary (with prefix) (Z13782): no description
- natural number to octal (with prefix) (Z13783): Converts a decimal (base-10) integer to octal (base-8) as a string, prefixed with "0o"
- natural number to hexadecimal (lowercase, with prefix) (Z13784): no description
- binary string to natural number (Z13797): no description
- octal to natural number (Z13798): Converts an octal (base 8) (given as a string) to natural number
- hexadecimal to natural number (Z13799): no description
- base n to natural number (Z13806): Converts an integer (given as a string, with base n <= 36) in the given base to a natural number
- Boolean to natural number (Z17065): Converts a Boolean to a natural number
Integer functions
- same Integer (Z16688): Returns true if the two integers are identical
- integers have the same sign (Z17249): true if the two integers have the same sign
- integers have the same absolute magnitude (Z17254): True if the absolute value of the inputs are equivalent
- negate integer (Z17186): returns the negative of the given integer
- increment integer (Z17153): returns the value one higher than the input integer
- decrement integer (Z17160): return the value one lower than the input value
- add Integers (Z16693): adds 2 integers
- subtract an Integer (Z17111): subtracts one integer from another to give the difference as an integer
- multiply integers (Z17120): returns the first integer times the second integer
- unit integer sign of integer (Z15844): returns 1 if the number is positive, -1 if it is negative, and 0 if it is zero
- sign of integer (Z17105): returns negative/neutral/positive
- is positive integer (Z17204): returns true if an integer is positive (not including 0)
- is zero (integer) (Z17239): true only if the integer is 0
- is negative integer (Z17215): Checks if an integer is negative. Zero is not negative.
- is non-negative integer (Z17229): returns true if the input is either a positive integer or zero
- greater than (integer) (Z17132): True if the first input is greater than the second input
- greater than or equal (integer) (Z17173): returns true if the first integer is greater than or equal to the second
- less than (integer) (Z17140): true if the first integer is less than the second
- less than or equal (integer) (Z17363): Whether the first integer is less than or equal to the second integer.
- sign to unit integer (Z17151): no description
- absolute value of integer (Z17128): returns an integer
- natural number to integer (Z17101): no description
- negate natural number to integer (Z17267): no description
- absolute value of integer as natural number (Z17144): Returns the absolute value of the input as a natural number
- integer modulo another integer (Z17167): no description
- natural number exponentiation of integers (Z17263): raises an integer to the power of a natural number
- greater of two integers (Z17376): returns the greater of the two arguments
- lesser of two integers (Z17380): returns the smaller of two integers
Integer functions using set-theoretic representation with pairs of natural numbers
see w:Integer#Equivalence classes of ordered pairs
- integer represented by ordered pair of natural numbers (Z17307)
- ordered pair of natural numbers representing integer (Z17301)
- are equivalent ordered pairs representing integers (Z17321)
- negate ordered pair of natural numbers representing integer (Z17326)
- less than (ordered pairs of natural numbers representing integers) (Z17330)
- add integers (represented by an ordered pair of natural numbers) (Z17340)
- subtract integers (represented by an ordered pair of natural numbers) (Z17469)
- multiply integers (represented by an ordered pair of natural numbers) (Z17345)
Integer sequence and unary integer functions
Number operations requiring future types
Types such as floating point or negative integers would benefit these functions.
Numeric Characteristics
- (!) number is between (Z10603): Returns true if a number is between a minimum and a maximum (inclusive of the endpoints)
- (!) numeric string is even (Z12480): Returns true if a number is even and false otherwise. See Z13555 for the natural number version.
- (!) numeric integer string is odd (Z12429): Returns true if a number is odd and false otherwise
Arithmetic Functions
- (!) absolute value (numeric string) (Z11235): Returns the absolute value of a number. Keep using string types until floating point numbers are available.
- (!) division of numeric strings (Z12522): see Z13546 for natural number division
- (!) modulo - string types (Z12476): returns the remainder from division, see Z13551 for natural number type
- (!) multiply two numeric strings (full stop input/output format) (Z10862): Multiplies two numbers together into a product, see Z13539 for natural number type
- (!) sum list of numeric strings (Z12720): sum of an arbitrarily sized list of numbers
Trigonometric Functions
- (!) inverse cosine (Z12497): Returns the arccosine of a number
- (!) inverse hyperbolic cosine (Z12500): Returns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of a number
- (!) inverse sine (Z12505): Returns the arcsine of a number
- (!) inverse hyperbolic sine (Z12509): Returns the inverse hyperbolic sine of a number
- (!) cosine (Z12473): Returns the cosine of a angle in radians
- Distance between two points on Earth (SI-unit output in meters) (Haversine formula) (Z14446): Calculates the shortest distance between two points on Earth's surface, given their latitude and longitude coordinates, using the Haversine formula. Assumes Earth is a sphere (an approximation) rather than an oblate spheroid.
Health Functions
- (!) Body Mass Index (metric) (Z12526): Calculate a BMI given a mass in kilograms and height in meters
- (!) Body Mass Index (imperial) (Z12572): Calculate a BMI given a mass in pounds and height in inches
Geometric Functions
- (!) linear interpolation (Z13341): one dimensional linear interpolation given points a,b and input t (0,1) see: for attribution
Climate related functions
These would benefit from a float type.
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of journey (Z18421): Outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e) based on 2 inputs.
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of MK1 diesel car journey (Z18391): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of MK1 petrol car journey (Z18364): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of ethanol E85 car journey (Z18406): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e), see Q57084901
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of biogas (CNG) car journey (Z18409): Takes kg of gas as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of electric car journey (Sweden) (Z18412): Takes kWh as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of fatty acid methyl ester car journey (Z18415): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
- (!) carbon dioxide emissions of HVO car journey (Z18418): Takes liter of fuel as input and outputs kilogram of carbon dioxide equivalents (kg CO2e)
Distance functions
- (!) miles to kilometers (Z18428): Convert between length units.
- (!) Scandinavian miles to kilometers (Z18431): Convert between length units.
- (!) distance between two points on earth in kilometers (Haversine) (Z18362): This takes 2 coordinates and output the result in kilometers
Physics functions
- (!) Acceleration (m/s2, Newton's Second law) (Z12910): Calculation of the acceleration of a material point according to Newton's Second Law
Reminder that Wikifunctions does not support randomness for now. We always expect all functions to return functional, deterministic results, only dependent on the input. This is in order to allow for aggressive caching. see Wikifunctions:Project_chat/Archive/2023/09#Help_please.
- (!) xorshift (Z13148): xorshift rng algorithm adapted from [[en:Xorshift#Example Implementation]]
Day of the week
- same day of the week (Z17414): True if the two given days of the week are the same
- next day of the week (Z17420): returns the next day after the input day.
- previous day of the week (Z17435): returns the day before the input day
- advance N days of the week (Z17517): returns the day of the week N after the input day (N can be negative)
- day number to day (starting 1=Sunday) (Z17478): returns the name of a weekday, given by its number in the week, starting at SUNDAY with number 1
- day to day number (starting Sunday=1) (Z17485): কোনো সপ্তাহের বারের নামের সমতুল্য ক্রমিক সংখ্যা প্রদান করবে
- count a day of the week in a month (Z17452): When given a day, Gregorian month and year it returns total number of times the given day occurs in that month of that year.
- count a day of the week in a year (Z17536): When given a day and year it returns total number of times the given day occurs in that year.
- first date of a given day in a month (Z17506): return the date of the first day in a specific month and year
- last date of a given day in a month (Z17511): return the date of the last day in a specific month and year
- get day of the week from numerical date (Z17540): gibt den Namen des Wochentags am dem gegebenen Datums zurück
- Date list for a specific day in a given month and year (Z17516): return list of all dates (d/m/y strings) of given day in a specific month and year
- get nth date of a given day in month (Z17549): When given a day, month, year, and a valid occurrence index, it returns the date corresponding to that specific occurrence of the given day within the same month otherwise return nothing.
- is date on day (Z17556): return true if the given date fall on the given day otherwise false.
- days from one day to another (Z17578): count of how many days from the first day to the second (0 if the same)
Month operations
Gregorian months
- same month (Z16137): Checks whether 2 instances of "Gregorian calendar month" are the same
- following month (Z16136): Returns the month that follows a given month
- previous month (Z16299): returns the month before the input month
- month number to month (Z16255): Converts the natural number (1-12) it corresponds to in the order of months in a year to the month object. Tolerant of overcounting, so 13 = January, etc. 0 should either return an error or December.
- month to month number (Z16230): converts a month to the natural number (1-12) it corresponds to in the order of months in a year
- months in period (list) (Z16330): returns a list of the (Gregorian) months beginning with the first month given and ending with the final month
- month object to month name (Z16518): Takes a Gregorian calendar month object and returns its name
- month label (Z16580): returns the string value of the Persistent object label for the given Gregorian calendar month and Natural language (if one exists)
- twelve months (Z16272): returns a list of the twelve (Gregorian) months
- month is in list (Z16289): returns True if a given month is in a given list of months
- opposite month (Z16584): returns the month six months away from the input month
- is later month in the year (Z16648): true if the first month occurs strictly later in the same calendar year than the second
- is this month earlier than that month in the year? (Z16542): true if the first month occurs strictly earlier in the calendar year than the second
- days in month when not a leap year (Z16316): returns the number of days in the requested month, for non leap years
- days in month during leap year (Z16332): returns the number of days in the requested month, for leap years
- days in list of months (non-leap year) (Z16348): returns the total number of days in a list of months
- N months after month (Z16307): returns the month that is the given number of months after the given month
- N months before month (Z16293): returns the month a given number before a given month
- English month name from month number (Z13596): transforms a natural number (1-12) to the name of the month
Igbo months
- Igbo month name from month number (Z16000): transforms a natural number (1-13) to the name of the Igbo month from Igbo calendar
- same Igbo month (Z16945): when given two Igbo calendar month identities, it returns true if they are identical otherwise false.
- month number to Igbo month (Z16955): Converts the natural number (1-13) it corresponds to in the order of Igbo months in a year to the month object. Tolerant of overcounting, so 0 = Ụzọ Alụsị, 14 = Mbụ and above 14 results to an error.
- following month (Igbo) (Z16972): Returns the month that follows a given Igbo month
- Igbo month to month number (Z16973): converts a month to the natural number (1-13) it corresponds to in the order of Igbo months in a year
- previous month (Igbo) (Z16990): returns the month before a given Igbo month
- days in month (Igbo) (Z17685): Returns the days in an Igbo calender month.
Date operations
- is leap year (Gregorian calendar) (Z10996): Returns True if the specified year in the Gregorian calendar (the one currently used in most parts of the world) has 366 days (February 29th added), and False if the year has 365 days
- is leap year (Julian calendar) (Z11015): Returns True if the specified year in the Julian calendar has 366 days, and False if the year has 365 days
- is leap year (Jalali calendar) (Z11011): Returns True if the specified year in the Jalali calendar (one of the calendars still in use in Iran and Afghanistan, also called Persian calendar) has 366 days, and False if the year has 365 days
- is leap year (Nanakshahi calendar) (Z12176): returns true if the given year is a leap year in the Nanakshahi Punjabi calendar, and false otherwise
- get day of week from date (Z13163): returns the day of week when given a date as year, month and day of the month
- get weekday number (starting Sunday=1) from date (Z16914): returns the weekday number as a natural number when given a date as year, month and day of the month
- advance n days to get a later date (D/M/YYYY) (Z13306): when given date and number of day(s) to advance, it advances on top of the date been given to get a later date.
- go back n days to get a previous date (D/M/YYYY) (Z16908): when given date and number of day(s), it goes back from the date to get a previous date
- gregorian to nengō (Z13300): converts a given gregorian year to japanese year format, in case of pivotal year, returns both results
- nengō to gregorian (Z13335): converts a given japanese year into gregorian year
- date difference (Z18957): Takes start and end dates and returns the difference between them.
- date difference in days (Z18961): Takes start and end dates and returns the difference between them in days.
Gregorian era
- same Gregorian era (Z17817)
- opposite era (Z17977)
- Gregorian era to sign (Z18072)
- sign to Gregorian era (Z18080)
- Gregorian era is AD (Z18084)
Bengali date operations
- Gregorian to Bengali date (Bangladesh) (Z12926): Converts a Gregorian date to Bangla date per Bangladeshi calendar. Inputs: Year, Month, Day.
- Bengali to Gregorian date (Bangladesh) (Z18131): Converts a Bengali date to Gregorian per Bangladeshi calendar. Inputs: Year, Month, Day.
- Gregorian to Bengali date (India) (Z18435): Converts a Gregorian date to Bangla date per Indian calendar. Inputs: Year, Month, Day.
- Bengali to Gregorian date (India) (Z18462): Converts a Bengali date to Gregorian per Indian calendar. Inputs: Year, Month, Day.
- Days in Bengali month (Bangladesh) (Z18169): Returns the number of days in a Bengali month according to the Bangladeshi calendar.
- Days in Bengali month (India) (Z18573): Returns the number of days in a Bengali month according to the Indian calendar.
- Is same Bengali month days (Z18582): It checks whether a Bengali month has the same number of days according to both the Indian and Bangladeshi calendar versions.
- Month number to Bengali month (Z18387): Returns the Bengali romanized month name for a number. Allows overcounting.
- Bengali to Gregorian months (Z18397): Returns the Gregorian month numbers corresponding to a Bengali month number.
- Months in period (Bengali) (Z18662): Takes the start and end month numbers and return the list of Bengali months between them
Persistent object operations
Note that there are currently some bugs in the handling of persistent objects, especially in tests. See [1]
- fetch Persistent object (Z828): no description
- object labels (Z16556): returns the list of labels for a referenced persistent object
- object label (Z16568): returns the label for a given object in a given language
Generic object operations
Note that due to handling all types of objects, most of these functions have bugs
- Echo (Z801): returns the argument unchanged
- Value by key (Z803): returns the value (Object) associated with the specified Key reference
- Values by keys (Z804): returns the values (Object) associated with the specified list of Key references
- Reify (Z805): Returns a list of key-value pairs representing the object given
- Abstract (Z808): Takes a list of key-value pairs representing an object and returns the corresponding object
- object equality (Z13052): takes two objects as arguments and tests if they are exactly equal including same type representation (when mapped to python) and their types have an unambiguous concept of equality
- object type equality (Z15801): returns True if two objects are of the same type
- strict object equality (Z18683): requires both object type equality (Z15801) and object equality (Z13052)
Type handling
- is Boolean (Z15717): returns True if the argument is Boolean
- is String (Z15777): returns True if the argument’s type is String
- boolean to string (Z10730): Converts a boolean to a lowercase string for string comparison.
- natural number to digit string (Z13713): return the same natural number but in string type (unformatted, decimal)
- are all elements of the list the same type (Z13220): true if all elements of the list have the same type, or if empty
- is this list untyped? (Z17879): no description
- is this list typed? (Z17900): does the list have an overall type (other than object)
Functional operations
Note that functions as argument or return types are not fully supported yet. See [2]
- apply (Z13036): a function that applies another (single argument) function to a value
- apply two-argument function (Z13318): a function that applies another (two-argument) function to two arguments
- apply a two-parameter function to a common first argument and a list of second arguments (Z13436): returns a list of results
- apply a two-parameter function to a list of first arguments and a common second argument (Z13464): returns a list of results
- apply natural number function to positive integer (Z17352): used to pass a positive integer into a function written for natural numbers
- apply integer function to natural number (Z17355): used to pass a natural number into a function written for integers
- string is fixpoint of function (Z12875): check if a string function evaluated at a value has the same value
- K combinator (Z10249): returns a function that returns the given value no matter what value it is passed with
Functions that are directly related to programming languages.
- python help (Z18722): Helps developers to know how many "modules", "keywords", "symbols" and "symbol names" Python currently has.
See also
- There is an automatic, un-guided list of functions on the Special page for all objects of type Function (Z8)
- External function lists: