Template:Main page/lv
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Laipni lūdzam!
Wikifunctions is a Wikimedia project for everyone to collaboratively create and maintain a library of code functions to support the Wikimedia projects and beyond, in the world's natural and programming languages.
"Funkcija" ir programmēšanas instrukciju virkne, kas veic aprēķinus, izmantojot tevis dotos datus. Funkcijas var atbildēt uz tādiem jautājumiem kā "cik dienas ir starp diviem datumiem" vai "kāds ir attālums starp divām pilsētām".
We are currently primarily focused on functions related to Wikidata Lexemes. The Lexicographical data from Wikidata and functions to process it are essential for the goal of an Abstract Wikipedia. A tutorial on how Wikifunctions can be used with Wikidata right now is available.
Pirmie soļi
Izmēģināmās funkcijas
- is prime (Z12427): Checks if the provided natural number is prime or not.
- Caesar cipher (Latin alphabet) (Z12812): rotates letters in the Latin alphabet forward by a defined number of places
- age (Z20756): Age in years
- how many days between two days in the Roman year (Z20733): dans une année romaine, détermine le nombre de jours entre deux jours définis ; l'année peut être bissextile
- is Gregorian year leap year? (Z20181): returns True if the specified year in the Gregorian calendar (the one currently used in most parts of the world) has 366 days (February 29th added), and False if the year has 365 days
- Bayes' theorem conditional probability P(A|B) (Z20000): The probability of A occurring given that B is known to have occurred. Given by Bayes' theorem: P(A|B) = P(A)*P(B|A)/P(B)
- minimum of natural number list (Z19509): Returns the smallest element from a list of natural numbers. If the list is empty, return 0.
- Simple tense of verb (Z19514): Returns simple tense of inputted verb.
Izzini un sniedz ieguldījumu
- Learn about Wikifunctions
- Contribute to Wikifunctions
- Saņem palīdzību
- Jautājumi? Ask at the Project chat or our Telegram/IRC channel!
- Ziņo par tehnisku problēmu
- Status page lists major known issues and problems
- Volunteer's Corners
- The next Volunteers' Corner will be at 18:30 UTC on 2025-03-03 on Google Meet at meet.google.com/xuy-njxh-rkw.
- The most recent Volunteer's Corner is available on Commons
- Recent status updates about Wikifunctions
- 2025-02-13: Restricting the World, redux
- 2025-02-06: Invitation to the Natural Language Generation Special Interest Group
- 2025-01-29: With 2000 Functions into the new year: time for stats
- 2025-01-22: Welcome, David! Naming conventions recommendations
- 2025-01-15: Happy Wikipedia day! Quarterly plan

Wikifunctions is part of the non-profit, multilingual, free-content Wikimedia family.
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Enciklopēdija - Wikidata
Zināšanu bāze - Wiktionary
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Citātu kolekcija - Wikiversity
Mācību materiāli - Wikivoyage
Ceļojumu gids - Wikispecies
Sugu katalogs - Inkubators
Jaunas valodu versijas - Meta-Wiki
Projektu koordinēšana - MediaWiki
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