
Maintainers are users who hold the functionmaintainer
user group. There are currently ५ maintainers on Wikifunctions.
Maintainers are users who have the ability to make major changes to the Wikifunctions system, potentially breaking it. They can create and edit pre-defined objects provided by the WikiLambda system, including new Natural Languages and Programming Languages. They have the additional ability to edit the definition of functions which are "running".
How to request
This role is not available yet. The Abstract Wikipedia team would like a more robust community before making this role available.
Due to Wikifunctions being a new project, the community have not yet decided on what requirements or guidelines to follow around appointing members.
Wikifunctions staff are currently tasked with deciding whether to grant maintainer rights.
Technical ability
The functionmaintainer
can complete the following additional actions:
- Create new 'pre-defined' Objects (under Z10000)
- Edit existing 'pre-defined' Objects (under Z10000)
- Create new Natural Language Objects
- Edit existing Natural Language Objects
- Create new Programming Language Objects
- Edit existing Programming Language Objects
- Edit Function that has a connected Implementation
- Edit existing Type Objects
- Edit system-provided Function
ये भी देखें
- more detailed context at mw:Help:Wikifunctions/User rights
- Wikifunctions:Functioneers
- Wikifunctions:User groups