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Wikifunctions:Type proposals/Circular representations

From Wikifunctions

The circular representation would graph a circle (not really, implicitly), at (0,0), with radius 1. Point a will be graphed at (0,1). Point b will be created by rotating point a θ degrees from point (0,0). A distance on this circle can be used to then create some of the irrational constants necessary to represent. The distances that can be taken are

  • 1: distance on the circle from point a to point b
  • 2: distance from point a to point b
  • 3: distance from (0,0) to (0,b_y)
  • 4: distance from (0,b_y) to b
  • 5: d3/d4

We would then have division for representation This would allow for the below representations:

  • pi: θ=180, queryDist=1
  • sqrt(2): θ=90, queryDist=2
  • sin(θ): queryDist=3
  • cos(θ): queryDist=4
  • tan(θ): queryDist=5