Every Object in Wikifunctions belongs to a Type. Types decide how Objects of that Type are structured, and what they mean. Types are also used to specify the Arguments of a Function, and what a Function returns.
Currently, there are 25 Types that are available for specifying the Arguments and the return Type of a Function:
- String (Z6): A sequence of characters, and one of the fundamental Z4/Types available in the Wikifunctions system.
- Boolean (Z40): Either 'true' or 'false', and is one of the fundamental Z4/Types available in the Wikifunctions system.
- Typed list (Z881): A list containing items of the same type
Numeric types
- Natural number (Z13518): an arbitrary-large whole number, either zero or positive
- Sign (Z16659): The sign of a number
- Integer (Z16683): arbitrarily large whole numbers, including negative ones and 0. 0 is the only value allowed to have a neutral sign (and it must have that sign; positive and negative 0 are possible but not valid)
- Rational number (Z19677): a signed ratio of two Natural numbers (equivalent to a ratio of integers) not necessarily with the simplest representation
Calendar types
Gregorian calendar
- Day of the week (Z17402): The seven days of the week in many calendars
- Gregorian calendar month (Z16098): The twelve calendar months of the Gregorian and Julian calendars
- Gregorian era (Z17813): represents the two eras in the Gregorian calender
- Gregorian year (Z20159): Numbered years according to the proleptic Gregorian calendar
- Day of Roman year (Z20342): A day of the month and a month of the Gregorian calendar
Igbo calendar
- Igbo calendar month (Z16927): An enumeration for the thirteen months of the Igbo calendar.
Wikidata types
Wikidata entities
- Wikidata item (Z6001): An item on Wikidata reference by a QID
- Wikidata property (Z6002): Represents a Property as per the Wikidata data model
- Wikidata lexeme form (Z6004): no description
- Wikidata lexeme (Z6005): Type for the lexeme data structure in Wikidata
- Wikidata lexeme sense (Z6006): A sense of a Wikidata lexeme
Wikidata references
- Wikidata item reference (Z6091): A link to a Wikidata item, using the item's Wikidata ID (QID)
- Wikidata property reference (Z6092): A link to a Wikidata property, using the property's Wikidata ID (PID)
- Wikidata lexeme form reference (Z6094): A link to a Wikidata lexeme form, using the form's Wikidata ID (LFID)
- Wikidata lexeme reference (Z6095): A link to a Wikidata lexeme, using the lexeme's Wikidata ID (LID)
- Wikidata lexeme sense reference (Z6096): A link to a Wikidata lexeme sense, using the sense's Wikidata ID (LSID)
Wikidata statements
- Wikidata statement (Z6003): A statement on Wikidata, including its subject, predicate, value and rank
- Wikidata statement rank (Z6040): Either 'preferred', 'normal', or 'deprecated' (as on Wikidata)
Other types can be used but there may be bugs. For a list of all types, see the list of all types
New Types can be proposed on Wikifunctions:Type proposals.