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Wikifunctions:Function of the Week

From Wikifunctions

Every week a Function is chosen to be showcased as the Function of the Week.

As of now, a Function is chosen every week by Denny Vrandecic or Sharvani Haran to be highlighted in our weekly status update, but in the future this will become more of a community-driven choice, where users can suggest functions to be highlighted.


Suggest your own Function of the Week

Here you can suggest what function (and why!) in your opinion should be featured as Function of the Week in the next update.

  • Mix colours (Z12997) -- many people don't often consider that colours are mathematical objects mutable by functions.
This may be less different now that a helper function set up for its composition convert X11 colour to hex (Z17713) has been featured. --99of9 (talk) 02:13, 21 August 2024 (UTC)[reply]
  • select a function based on language (Z14310) -- an important building block for our multilingual ambitions and for connecting similar functions
  • is valid email address (Z10410) -- many people do not know how complicated email addresses actually are and that they support escaping characters and quoting parts
  • convert [R,G,B] to hex colour (Z17687) this has a fair bit to discuss: some data structure, and a few varied implementations including compositions.
  • occurrence of first almost equal substring (Z20687) this one is not only causes LLMs to fail, but the success rate on Leetcode is only 12% (4th lowest of almost 4000 on the site), so it'd be nice to show how Wikifunctions can handle difficult and complex functions, as well as simple ones. The actual function itself would also be useful in user input handling.
  • Triangle of Power operation (Z20323) this one has interesting inputs, and an opportunity to talk about how log2(8)=3, 2^3=8, and 3rdroot(8)=2 all mean the same thing, but this notation only has one representation.
  • (add suggestion here)