- Functions with labels starting with a capital, between Z11000 and Z12000
function($item) {
$item.Z2K3.Z12K1[1].Z11K2 ~> $match(/^[A-Z]/) and
$number($substringAfter( $item.Z2K1.Z6K1, "Z")) >= 11000 and
$number($substringAfter( $item.Z2K1.Z6K1, "Z")) <= 12000 and
$item.Z2K2.Z1K1 = "Z8"
- Tests or implementations without a German label
function($item) {
$not($exists($item.Z2K3.Z12K1[Z11K1 = "Z1430"])) and
($item.Z2K2.Z1K1 = "Z20" or $item.Z2K2.Z1K1 = "Z14")
- Functions with at least one Rational Number input and Boolean output
function($item) {
$item.Z2K2.Z8K1[Z17K1 = "Z19677"] and
$item.Z2K2.Z8K2 = "Z40"
- Python implementations
function($item) {
$item.Z2K2.Z14K3.Z16K1 = "Z610"
- Predefined types
function($item) {
$item.Z2K2.Z1K1 = "Z4" and
$number($substringAfter( $item.Z2K1.Z6K1, "Z")) < 10000
- Objects with a French label
function($item) {
$item.Z2K3.Z12K1[Z11K1 = "Z1004"]
- Objects with a label in more than 3 languages
function($item) {
$count($item.Z2K3.Z12K1) > 4 /*4 instead of 3 because typed lists*/
- Objects with no description in English
function($item) {
$not($exists($item.Z2K5.Z12K1[Z11K1 = "Z1002"]))
- Objects with a label in French, but not in Breton
function($item) {
$exists($item.Z2K3.Z12K1[Z11K1 = "Z1004"]) and
$not($exists($item.Z2K3.Z12K1[Z11K1 = "Z1282"]))